oh baby

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One shot, in which Anne finds out she's going to be a mother, and her telling her bosom friend and Husband.

Anne was beginning to be suspicious, she was two weeks late.

Her and Gilbert had been trying to get pregnant for a while now with no luck, so when Anne realized that she was late she forced herself to not get too excited until she took a pregnancy test and found out for sure.

She had bought a stash of pregnancy test previously so she walked into her bathroom and grabbed one out from the cupboard behind her mirror. She decided she would take the test without telling Gilbert, so as not to give him false hope. Luckily he was out with Charlie Sloane so she had the house to herself.

She took the test and began to wait nervously sitting on the floor in the corner of the bathroom against the tub. She had her knees pulled up to her chest and was playing with her hair, twirling it in between her fingers.

She picked up her phone to look at the time, the test said it took 5 minutes to be fully ready, "two minutes" she breathed. With every passing minute she felt her stomach churn and her palms become hot and sweaty.

Finally it had been 5 minutes, which to Anne had felt more like 5 hours. She tightly squeezed her eyes closed as she picked up the test bringing it to her line of vision.

She slowly lifted her eyes open and saw the test, it was faint but there was two lines indicating she was actually pregnant.

She took a shuddering breath and slapped her hand over her mouth in absolute shock. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks as she stared at the test, blinking twice in complete and utter disbelief.

As she sat in the bathroom staring at the test, crying, she heard her phone go off

"Diana" Anne laughed, of course of all the times her bosom friend could have called her she called now. Anne picked up barley able to pull herself together.

"Anne!!!!!!" Diana screamed into the phone

"Hey di!!" Anne said trying to mask her mix of excitement and worry in her voice "what's up!"

"Well you know how me and Jerry have been trying to get pregnant..... LOOK!!!" She held up a positive pregnancy test to the camera where Anne could see it.

Anne couldn't help but to burst into laughter of course we are pregnant at the same time she laughed to herself

"Why are you laughing?!!!!!" Diana yelled, she seemed to have the same amount of excitement and worry in her voice that Anne was feeling

"Well...LOOK AT THIS" Anne held her test up to the screen and Diana let out a big gasp and screamed


"I can't believe it!!" Anne said as tears of joy trickled down her cheeks "when did you find out?!"

"Like 30 minutes ago! Jerry doesn't even know! I called you right away!" Diana said almost out of breath from laughing "when did you find out??!"

"Like 10 minutes ago!!! Gilbert doesn't know either" Anne said "oh my goodness I can't even- WE ARE GOING TO BE MOMS! What?!!!"

"How is this possible?! In my mind we are both still twelve" Diana laughed " and now we are growing humans inside of us!!"

Anne and Diana talked for about 10 more minutes laughing and crying together, both equally shocked and excited.

When Diana hung up Anne sat her phone down on the cold tile and brought her stare back to the test I'm going to be a mom Anne thought. More tears began rushing down her milky skin as she imagined what having her baby would be like, her baby, hers.

She was pulled from her deep stare from a knock on the bathroom door. "Anne? Honey are you okay? I'm home!" Gilbert said, he could hear faint sobs coming from the bathroom and was worried about his wife

"Yeah I'm okay" Anne said wiping her tears from her cheeks "come in"

Gilbert opened the door slowly revealing Anne sitting in the corner, obviously crying, holding something close to her chest. He slid down the wall next to her and tried to figure out what was happening

"Anne? What's wrong?" He questioned, trying to scan her face for answers

"Nothings wrong" she let out a little smile and turned the test towards him

" what?!" Gilbert yelled happily "really?!" He couldn't wipe the huge smile that pulled on his lips

"Really" Anne laughed

Gilbert pulled Anne into a tight hug feeling tears coming to his eyes "I - when did you find out??!"

"Like 30 minutes ago" she said with a chuckle

"Oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH! I'm going to be a dad!" Gilbert yelped "I'm going to be a dad?!" He jumped up from the floor and helped Anne up

"You ARE a dad" she giggled as he wrapped his arms around picking her up and spinning her around the bathroom kissing her face relentlessly

When he put her down she rested her face in his chest "oh and guess what else!!" Anne said, excitement filling her voice even more "Diana is pregnant too!!"

Gilbert let out a loud laugh "leave it to you two to get pregnant at the exact same time" he laughed "wait.. DID SHE KNOW BEFORE ME?!"

Anne couldn't help but laugh at his sudden frown "she called me right after I found out to tell me! We both told each other at the same time!" Anne chuckled remember the happy coincidence

Gilbert pulled his wife closer while standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist, she leaned in close to his chest and sighed

"I can't believe it" he breathed, a smile playing on his lips

"I can't believe it either, is this actually happening?"

"Yeah it is" he laughed softly placing his head on her shoulder "it really is"

He grabbed her hand and spun her around again, this time she drew her arms up to his neck and intertwined her own fingers behind him, while he place his hands on her hips swaying softly both absolutely ecstatic.

They danced like that for the whole of the night, both feeling like they were in the most incredibly wonder dream.

Except it wasn't a dream, it was real. And Anne couldn't be happier then she was in that moment, wrapped in her husbands arms, knowing she was carrying their baby.

A/N we were robbed from seeing anne and gil with kids in the show, so I had to write it 😭😂

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