our sweet happily ever after

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one shot: anne and gil visit green gables as new parents.

"mar! we're here!" anne pushed open the front door with her elbows and walked in. "dearest could you grab joy's bag?" she turned and called to gilbert who was still back at the carriage.

anne breathed in the familiar scent. home.

marilla came rushing around the corner with a big grin, "anne! how good to see you! and look at little joy! my goodness she has grown substantially since her first visit!"

anne smiled brightly, "i do hope we aren't intruding, but gil had to do work in charlottetown and i felt the urge to come back to visit avonlea, springs are ever so sweet here."

"oh fiddle sticks! intruding in your own home? that's absolute nonsense, now hand me the baby."

she carefully took the three month old from anne's arms and walked into the kitchen while anne stood and admired the house.

gilbert came up behind her and laid his chin on her shoulder, "spring in avonlea" he sighed happily.

"nothing could be better" she kissed his temple and pulled him to go find marilla and joyce.


"gil! come look!" anne called.

gilbert came from behind her and laid his hands on her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder while he gazed at the smiling baby in her arms.

"she's smiling!" his eyes crinkled as a wide grin spread across his face. "hello sweet girl!"

marilla watched from across the room at the couple who were completely enraptured by their little bundle's smile. she would have never expected this for her life, she always had an idea of what the rest of her life would be; growing old with matthew on the farm and eventually dying in the same house her mother and brother had. never in her wildest imagination would she have seen this coming.

she always regretted not taking john blythes offer of marriage all those years ago, but certainly not today, not while she watched the sweetest and most determined man she'd ever met dote on her daughter and granddaughter like they were the most valuable of jewels.

she watched as anne sunk into his embrace while they swayed around the room singing little joy to sleep. gilbert blythe, as she'd come to know him, was one of her treasured few friends — just as anne was. she couldn't imagine a better human for her daughter to spend her life beside.

anne left the room to lay joy down for a nap, leaving marilla and gilbert alone in the parlor. he collapsed onto the couch across from her with a far off look on his face, grinning like a fool.

"okay, spit it out. what is it boy?"

he shook his head, attempting to come back down to reality as he spoke.

"never in all my days would i have thought that my life could be this perfect." his fingers combed through his hair in disbelief, marilla only smiled.

"me neither son, i would've expected to grow old and die with no such adventure in between. i like this quite a lot more."

"thank you. for choosing chaotic adventures over normal life, without that i would never have met anne. i don't want to even think of where i'd be without her"

"she is a very special soul, that one."

at that moment a flash of red hair and rosy cheeks came around the corner.

"she's asleep, thank heavens, poor thing has been having a hard time sleeping. maybe it's the magic of green gables, oh what a beautiful haven this is!" she spun around the room with her arms stretched out at her sides, marilla noticed how gilbert's eyes sparkled up at his wife, how she loved how much he adored anne.

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