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one shot: anne and gil haven't told anybody about their courtship yet, but when gilbert gets home from a long day he accidentally outs them.

the avonlea group didn't get to spend as much time as usual together with everyone engrossed in college life, but they tried to get together every once in a while to catch up. today was the day they had all planned to meet and the gang had decided for meeting at anne's place near queens.

the majority of the group had already arrived and were chatting away, cracking jokes and telling stories of their classes. the only one who wasn't there yet was gilbert.

moody searched the room with his eyes, "where's gilburito?" he asked everybody

"he had a shift at dr. wards today, he'll be here any minute!" anne announced over the chatter.

just then the door swung open, revealing an exhausted gilbert. he had had an extremely taxing day at work and had forgotten about the get-together with his friends.

he dropped his case loudly at the door and took off his coat slowly, then made his way over to anne who was sitting alone on the couch.

he plopped down next to her and cuddled deeply into her side, needed comfort after his long day.

she hugged him and gently caressed his
face soothingly.

"rough day?" she whispered softly.

he buried his head further into her and gently hugged her waist, "mhmm"

she stroked his cheek and kissed his hair, laying her head to rest on the top of his curls. they melted into each other and completely forgot the eight pairs of eyes watching them with their jaws hanging on the floor.

anne slowly opened her eyes and saw diana smirking along with charlie and moody exchanging cash while the other girls just gaped at them. she tapped gilbert's shoulder and sighed, "we have an audience." she laughed to him.

gilbert startled upward and plastered a smile on his face, blushing furiously "oh hello guys!" his cheery tone surprised everyone considering he was half asleep only seconds before.

cole smiled teasingly, "why hello"

"what was that?!" jane squealed.

anne glanced at diana and then to gilbert, "right, we haven't told them yet, haven't we?" gilbert grinned,

"Mm i suppose not?"

"haven't told us what??!" ruby yelled impatiently.

anne cocked a brow "you wanna say or should i gil?"

"gil??!!!" moody jumped up and groaned, "for the love of all things holy, just tell us!"

gilbert laughed loudly and smiled at anne before turning to the group, "me and anne are courting" anne grinned deeply and kissed his cheek while the group screamed and danced.

"FINALLY!" tillie yelled

"thank GOD!" cole groaned.

josie gasped, "about time!"

anne and gilbert laughed as their friends were sent into a frenzy of who won which bets and who called it first. gilbert snuggled back into anne's side, "i'm absolutely exhausted." he admitted in a whisper.

she frowned and stroked his cheek. "it's okay, just sleep now." he softened as she ran her fingers through his curls.

"i don't want to be a party pooper." he mumbled, but sleep was already washing over him as he objected.

"shh, it's fine, we understand, just sleep my love." she rested her head on his and he drifted off to sleep, despite the now swooning group.

everyone melted at the fluffy scene they just watched unfold.

"i've never seen either of you so relaxed before in my life." ruby sighed dreamily.

diana smiled softly, "you two are the sweetest."

anne laughed at how moody described them as 'the personification of syrup' and groaned when cole made a snarky joke about the impropriety oh the scene.

they talked and laughed the night away, all while gilbert slept soundly, thickly wrapped in the comfort that was anne.

the gang slowly faded out saying their farewells and see you laters. when everyone was gone, anne laid her cheek on gilbert's hair again and closed her eyes.

he felt her relax with him and hugged her closer while she snuggled into him more.

"goodnight my love." gilbert mumbled, sensing that neither of them wanted to move.

she smiled lazily, "goodnight gil".

just like that the two fell asleep together for the first, and most definitely not last, time in their lives.

a/n this is short, but i've had the idea for a while! this was inspired by a similar idea i saw on ao3 with anne and gil accidentally revealing their courtship to the gang :)

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