i'm broken, and so are you

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one shot: Anne miscarries, her and Gil are heartbroken.

Anne sat, breathless, on a hospital bed staring at the cream wall in front of her, she was breathing deeply, heavily not able to come to terms with what the doctor had just informed them. She grew pale and her head started spinning, she felt as though at any second her body would give out from underneath her and she would be gone. She felt like she was being held under water, gasping for air, not being able to hear anything anyone was saying.

Gilbert sat in a chair across from the hospital bed, trying his best to keep breathing. He held his head in his hands trying to stay strong. His chest ached, he felt like he had just gotten hit by a train, leaving him completely out of breath, his lungs straining for air. He looked up to his wife staring at the wall, her hands grasping the bed, straining to hide her ache, her chest rising and falling slowly as if it was forced, labored. He knew he had to be strong for her, he knew no matter how hurt and broken he was she was going through far more.

He stood and sat next to her, wrapping his arm delicately around her waist. She laid her head on his shoulder, not breaking her stare at the wall.

To his surprise she shook her head and stood up, gently pushing her hair behind her ears, wiping away a threatening tear from her eye. " alright then, let's go home? Or are you hungry we can get something on the way or just eat at home whatever you want" she said, trying desperately to ignore her crippling pain and devastation that hung over her like a heavy fog.

"Anne..." Gilbert's voice cracked revealing his pain,

"What? Do you want to eat at home or get takeout?" She breathed.

"Anne" Gilbert saw how hard she was trying to burry her emotions, her hurt. "Let's go home okay?" He said tears threatening to spill from his hazel eyes.

"Okay, yeah let's go then" Anne gathered her things and inhaled deeply trying desperately to shove her sadness down.


The car ride was silent, neither of them having the strength to speak.

They pulled up to the house and Anne immediately opened the door and stepped out of the car.

She walked up to their house and sat on the porch, staring intensely ahead, trying to focus on something else, which wasn't working. Tears started to drip down her cheeks as she took a shuttering breath. She quickly wiped her tears away telling herself she was being ridiculous for being broken over this she hadn't even met the baby so she shouldn't be that sad right? Right. She decided she was overreacting and nothing was really wrong. Even though her shattered heart begs to differ.

Gilbert walked up and sat next her staring ahead rubbing her back in small comforting circles. She turned to him and plastered a very fake smile onto her face. Which didn't fool him for a second


"Hm? Oh right food. What sounds good? I can make tacos or something, what do you think?" She said through very deep breaths as if each breath was attempting to shoving her pain down further.

"Anne stop it with the food, it's me."

Anne could hear the hurt in his voice but tried desperately to ignore it "what do you mean?" She forced yet another fake smile

"Anne Shirley-Cuthburt Blythe stop pretending you're okay, stop it. I know you please just talk to me about this" his eyes we desperate and fragile yet so full of love and concern

"I- um don't know what you mean. I'm fine, it's not a big deal, it isn't. We didn't even meet the baby why- why-" tears started filling her eyes "why does it hurt so bad?!" She practically yelled, but not in her usual cheerful tone, this one was completely broken

us against the world : shirbert one shots Where stories live. Discover now