Chapter 16

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Cals P.O.V

Farrah fell asleep very quickly. She was lying on her bed with a notebook and a pen beside her. I walked over and picked up the book and a letter slipped out. I picked the letter up and read it.
'Dear Farrah,
I heard you're in America. I'm still stuck in Canada but soon we will be able to meet. I know neither of us have much money but I'll save up. I've miss you so much you were and still are my best friend.
Love and miss you,
Aj x'

I saw that her address was on it. I logged onto my computer and bought a plane ticket to America. I sent it to the address. Farrah's going to happy I hope. I wrote a little note and put it in the bag. I climbed into the bed beside Farrah and cuddled up to her.

*1 Week Later*
Farrah's P.O.V

Finally we get out of this place. I was happy because tomorrow we have a concert. I walked outside with Calum by my side. I saw the boys and ran over and hugged them.
'Farrah come on we've to go to the airport' Michael said
'Why' I questioned
'My friend is coming to visit' Mikey said
I smiled and got into the mini bus. We drove to the airport and we got out. I saw Mikey waving at someone So I turned around and saw Aj. I was surprised that she was here so I ran over and jumped into her arms!
'Farrah I can't believe I'm here' she smile
'Me too' I said 'thought you didn't have the money'
'I don't but someone sent me this and a ticket to America' she said handing me a note
I read it and turned and looked at Calum. He smiled a big smile and I hugged him. We all got into the mini bus and went home.
'So Aj, who's your fav in the band?' Ashton asked
'Um probably you' she giggled
Ashton smiled at her. A big smile now as if he was excited. When we got home Ash took Aj to his room because that was the only room that had space for her. I went into my room and opened my laptop and clicked into Twitter. I had gained followers and had a bunch of DMs and mentions. I clicked the tweet button.
'Hey guys I'm finally out of hospital! I can't wait to be back singing for you guys tomorrow'
I clicked tweet and then closed the laptop. I went into the bathroom and looked at my arm. There was a mark from when I had a needle put in. I locked the bathroom door and turned the shower on. I put on a song on my phone and got undressed. I hopped into the shower and washed myself. When I got out I towel dried my hair and put a towel around my body. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed a bra and underwear and put them on. I heard a knock on the door.
'Who is it' I said
'It's Cal' he replied
I opened the door and let him in. He just stared at my body. I quickly put the towel around me.
'Don't be afraid of your body' he said pulling the towel 'I think it's amazing'
He came closer to me and put his arms around my waste. He pulled me close to him and we started to kiss. I heard a knock on the door again.
'We're just going to get food we'll be back soon' Mikey said
I smiled at Cal who slowly began to undress. He grabbed my hand and lay me on the bed. We started kissing and things got heated. Cal slid himself inside me and boy let me tell you, it was fun. We got dressed and went downstairs and waited for everyone to come home. When everyone came home we all had some pizza that the guys had brought home. We all sat around the fire and we joked around and stuff.

Guys I know I'm not updating a lot but I've gotten so busy with school and everything but I'm trying my best to update! Please vote and comment and tell me if you liked this chapter x

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