Chapter 9

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Farrah's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and Calum was still sleeping. I pulled off the covers and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and washed my face and teeth. I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a crop top. I curled my hair lightly and put on light make up. I grabbed my flower vans and walked downstairs. There was a girl sitting at the table in the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat in front of her.

'You must be Farrah, Michaels sister' she said

'Yeah I am' I smiled

'I'm Calum's cousin Ally' she smiled

'It's nice to meet you' I said

Ashton walked into the kitchen next, followed my Mikey. They both sat down and started talking to Ally. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through twitter. I had gained a lot of followers and my notifications were blowing up. There were tweets shipping me and Calum. There were tweets asking if I could sing and there were also some hate but I didn't really care. I looked at Calum's twitter, he posted a picture of me sleeping on him. I laughed to myself and saved the picture. I looked up and everyone was looking at me. I blushed and everyone laughed. I got up and put my bowl in the sink and sat in the siting room. Luke walked into the room and sat next to me. He stared at me for five minutes until I broke the silence.

'Do you have a problem?' I said

'Nope' he smiled

I turned my head away and looked at the TV. Luke was still looking at me. I turned and glared at him.

'Did you fuck Calum last night' he blurted

'No what makes you think that' I said laughing

'Well there was a lot of noise coming from the room so yeah' he smiled

'Oh I pushed him off the bed last night' I said still laughing

Calum walked into the room and I got up and left. I looked back and Calum was hitting Luke. I laughed at how stupid they were. I looked out into the back and Ashton was in the pool with Ally and they were kissing. Wait what? That makes no sense, he was telling me last night that he likes me and now he's kissing a girl he just met? Either he moves on fast or lied to me. I don't know why it hurts me, do I like Ashton? Ugh I haven't been here a week and I've already kissed two people been accused of fucking one guy and I've fallen for them.. Knew this wasn't gonna be fun. I turned around and headed towards the stairs when I bumped into Mikey.

'Sorry Far didn't see you there' he smiled helping me up

'It's fine Mikey' I smiled 'I'm gonna go to Starbucks if any of ye wanna come'

'I'll go' Luke said from behind me

'Come on so blonde boy' I said walking out the door

When we arrived at Starbucks Luke ordered our drinks. We sat a table in the corner. He kept looking at me like in the house. I gave him a weird look and he burst out laughing.

'Farrah, i think Cal likes you' He said

'Ash does too... apperently' I smiled awkwardly

'Wait what? Ash likes you?' He said

'He told me he did? But I bet he was lying cause he's all flirty with Cals cousin' I said

'Ash told me you were cuddling with Cal and thats why everyone thought ye fucked' He blurted

'Oh my gosh, he saw?' I said

'Yeah' Luke said

I sipped my drink and pulled out my phone. I looked down and had a text from Harry.

*Farrah, I'm so sorry for the way I acted, can you forgive me?*

I locked my phone and didn't reply. I looked out the window and saw some girls with 5SOS tops on and pointed them out to Luke. I pushed him into the bathroom and the girls walked in. They looked around and saw me and one girl pointed to the other and they walked over to me.

'Are you Michael Cliffords sister? one asked

'I could be, I might not be though' I laughed

'You deffo are' the other said

'Yeah I am' I smiled

'Can we get a picture?' They smiled

'Of course' I smiled

They each took a photo with me and then got a worker to take a picture of me and both of them. Once that was done they gave me their twitters and left. I called Luke and he walked out of the bathroom, I told him the girls twitters and he also followed them. We both got up and walked outside. We got into the back of a taxi and went back home. I walked in the door and saw a tall figure. I walked further into the house and saw a man standing next to Mikey. I walked into the kitchen and Mikey pointed at me. The man turned around and I saw a face I haven't seen in 8 years.

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