Chapter 23

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Farrah's P.O.V.

*A week later*

The boys are coming home today and its great, but my period hasn't come and it was supposed to be come like 3 days ago and I think I'm pregnant but like how do I tell Calum? Ughhhhh

'Farrah come on or we're gonna be later' Sky screamed

I ran down the stairs and grabbed my keys and hopped in the car. We are collecting the boys from the airport. We arrived at the airport and there were a lot of fans here. I texted Calum saying we were gonna wait in the car for them that we were here. About 20 minutes later they came out. They all got in the back of the car. I smiled at the all and we drove back home.
We talked about their trip and Mikey said he confirmed that he was dating someone but didn't give details.

'Hey Cal will you come shop with me?' I smiled
'Course' he said

We got into the car and I drove to the local chemist/pharmacy. I parked outside and I hesitated to go in.

'Farrah are you okay?' Calum said
'Cal I think I'm pregnant' I whispered
'What' he said shocked 'you really think you are?'
'Yeah my period hadn't come'
'You're here for a test right?'
'Go in and get it'

I got out and went in and grabbed two pregnancy tests. I paid for them and went back to the car. I stopped off at the shop to get some food so it didn't look weird. I got into the car and we went home. I put the stuff in the kitchen and went to the bathroom. I did what I needed and called Calum.

'Are you pregnant?' He said
'I don't know I want you to check it' I said

He nodded and picked up the test he looked at me sadly. Then smiled and said what I kinda hoped for but didn't want at the same time. 'You're pregnant'

I smiled at him then hugged him.

'Cal what are we supposed to do?' I said
'Whatcha mean?' He said back
'Well do we tell the boys? Don't tell the fans until we are 100% sure we want this. Do you want this?' I said
He just looked at me.
'Babe this is so different from everything I thought would happen. I thought that you wouldn't get pregnant for a long time, well for another 5 years. I don't know if we can deal with this.... But I definitely want to try it out. I got you pregnant and this is my kid so I'll be a father to it and it'll work.. I hope' he said grabbing my hand. We walked down to everyone and I sat on the floor in the middle of everyone.

'Guys me and Calum have something to tell you' I smiled 'I'm pregnant'

Everyone was shocked but happy.

'You told me that you were feeling sick but I never realised that it could have been because you're pregnant!' Sky said

They all congratulated us and stuff and they were arguing over who was gonna be god parents. This is gonna be one hell of a ride but I'm prepared for whatever happens.

I'm gonna skip to around when her baby is due. Thanks for reading! Comment and vote!

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