Chapter 7

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*Farrah's P.O.V.*

I looked down at my phone. It was 7pm. I decided to have a shower. I walked up to my room and grabbed some pjs and a towel and walked into the bathroom. I quickly undressed myself and climbed into the shower. I washed my body and my hair and hopped out. I dried myself and put my clothes on. I brushed my hair and tied it up. I walked out of the bathroom and went to my room. I saw Calum sitting on the floor. I walked over to him and sat next to him.

'Hi there' he smiled

'Helloooo' I replied

He continued to scroll through his twitter. I got up and grabbed my phone and saw I had a text from Harry. I was about to open it when my phone started ringing. Calum looked over as I answered. I put it on loud speaker.

*Hi babe, meet me at Starbucks I have something for you'

'Harry leave me alone!'

'I won't hurt you baby'

'You already have Harry'

'You love me baby come on. it's not like you have a boyfriend'*

Calum grabbed my phone and I didn't react.

*Harry it's Cal here, stay away from my girlfriend yeah thanks*

With that Calum hung up and gave me my phone back. I smiled at him and hugged him. I got up and walked downstairs. Michael and Luke were in the sitting room, but I dunno where Ashton was. I walked into the Kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed orange juice and closed the fridge. I looked into the garden, it was a big one, there was a pool too. By the side of the pool was Ashton. I opened the door and walked over and sat next to him.

'What's up Ash?' I asked

'Oh, uh it's nothing' he replied

'Ash please tell me I can help you' I smiled

'I just like this girl, and she's absolutely beautiful and she's amazing' he said looking down

'Ash, any girl would be lucky to have you, you're really nice and you're cool!' I smiled

'But the thing is, I like you' he said looking at me

'Oh.. Ash look, you're amazing and all but give it a little more time cause I've only known you for a little while' I smiled

'See I always get rejected' Ash said

I looked at him and hugged him. I gave him a little kiss on the cheek and got up. I decided to go to sleep early tonight since the boys were watching a movie no one would wake me.


Thank you for 2K reads! Oh my gosh! I though it would only get about 10 reads! Thank you so much ily guys!x

Please comment and voteee cause it makes me happy thankssss x

Sorry for not updating sooner I've been busy with school x

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