Chapter 4

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Calum's P.O.V

I took Farrah's phone and took selfies on her snapchat. Niall joined in and soon enough we were all taking pictures and videos.
'Do you guys wanna play spin the bottle?' Louis said
'Sure' we all agreed
'Farrah first spin since you're the lady' Liam said
I watched as Farrah spun the bottle. It became slower and slower and it stopped at me. My heart raced, I get to kiss her.
We played spin the bottle for a while, Farrah had to kiss Harry 3 times, Ashton 2 times and me 4 times. She had to hug Michael 5 times and had to hug Liam 3 times.
'Can we go somewhere to get Starbucks pleaseee' Farrah begged
'Typical white girl' I laughed
We all piled into two cars. Harry driving one and Liam driving the other.
We arrived at Starbucks and let Farrah out.
'We will park around the corner and join you in a few' Michael said

Farrah's P.O.V

'We will park around the corner and join you in a few' Michael said
'Okay see you in a minute' I smiled

I watched them drive off and I walked into Starbucks. I walked up to the counter and ordered a hot chocolate. I went to a far table and waited for the boys.
'Farrah sorry we're late there were fans everywhere' Luke said
'It's okay, where's Mikey?' I questioned
'I'm here Farrah don't worry' Michael said
The boys all sat down, I looked out the window, and watched all the cars passing.
'You okay?' Calum whispered
'Yeah, I'm fine just day dreaming' I said
'Okay, of anythings up just tell us' he said
I smiled at him. I continued to look out the window when I noticed 2 girls walking towards Starbucks, one wearing a 5 Seconds Of Summer T-Shirts on and the other with a One Direction T-Shirt.
'Lads, I think ye have some fans' I said
The boys looked out the window, then ducked down.
'Lads run into the bathroom' I smiled
They all got up and ran to the bathroom. The girls walked in and came over to my table.
'Was that 5 Seconds Of Summer and One Direction with you?' One girl asked
'Who are they?' I asked
They both got up and ordered their drinks and left. I got up and went to the bathroom.
'Guys come out they're gone' I screamed
The boys walked out and we sat back down.
'Where are we gonna go next?' I smiled
'The amusement park?' Harry smiled
'Is that the place with all the rides and stuff' I asked
'Yeah come on let's go' Harry said grabbing my hand
I climbed into the front of Harry's car. Luke Ashton and Calum in the back, the other boys in Liam's car. We drove to the amusement park. I climbed out of the car and ran into the park. I grabbed Calums hand and ran over to the Ferris wheel.
'Calum come on this with me please' I begged him
'Sure why not' he smiled
We got into the line and got on the ride.
'Oh my gosh it's Calum Hood and is that his girlfriend?' some girl screamed.
I looked down a realised we were holding hands. I didn't let go cause I don't think Calum heard.

Sorry for not updating I was really tired lately and busy

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