Chapter 13

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Farrah's P.O.V.
I woke up the next morning and looked to my side. Calum was still asleep. I checked the time, it was 9am. I hopped out of bed and went downstairs. The pizza boxes were still on the table so I cleaned them up. I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone. I saw that I had a bunch of mentions on twitter. I looked at my snapchat and I had a bunch of adds... What? I don't remember giving out my snapchat! I checked twitter and saw that the 'popular' girl I went to school with leaked my snapchat. I decided not to let it get to me so I posted a tweet:
'Hey everyone, my snapchat is faffy_boi add me, I'll be adding some back'
I got a lot of adds and added a few back. I was about to get up when two arms wrapped around me. I looked up to see Mikey.
'Hey baby sis' He smiled
'I'm not a baby anymore' I laughed
'You are to me' He laughed
'I'm gonna go get dressed and go to starbucks if you want anything?' I smiled
'Nah, I'm fine thanks though' he said
I walked back into the room and Calum was still asleep. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a baseball tee and went into the bathroom. I grabbed my make-up bag and put on mascara and did winged eyeliner. I put on my choker necklace and did a fishtail braid in my hair. I put on my flower charm bracelet and walked out. I was about to leave the room when two arms wrapped around me. I turned around and Calum was standing there smiling at me.
'Good morning beautiful' he said in his morning voice
'Morning Cal' I smiled
'You look beautiful, where you off too?' He smiled
'Starbucks you wanna come?' I smiled
'Sure I'll be ready in two minutes' he said walking back into the room
I went downstairs and sat on the couch. I saw Ashton in the kitchen but he was on the phone to someone so I decided not to go into him. Calum came down the stairs and we both left. We walked down the road to Starbucks. We sat in a corner table away from the window so no one would notice us. I went up and got our drinks.
'What time does the concert start?' I said
'Um we've to rehearse first, so we have to be there at 3 and the concert starts at 7' he smiled
I nodded and we just sat and talked for half an hour. We got up and left and went to the house.
When we got to the house it was 10:30 am. We all sat down and watched tv and joked around. Before I knew it, it was 12.

'We better get going or we'll be late for rehersals' Mikey said
We all got up and got into the car. We all sat in the back, Mikey, Luke and Ash in front of me, and Cal beside me. At 2 we got to the stadium. We all got out and walked towards the back of the stadium. There were lots of people outside the stadium. We quickly ran in before anyone could see us. When we got in, I was handed a sheet and I wrote down what songs I was gonna sing. I'm nervous, I've never sang in front of a bunch of people on my own. I got onto the stage, it was bigger than I imagined. I started to sing my first song, the boys standing there listening. I'm excited for this show, I really am. After I finished I ran off stage and went to get a drink. I saw Ashton come towards me so I turned to meet him.

'That was really good Farrah' he smiled
'Thank you Ashton' I smiled

I looked behind Ashton and saw Clum facing away from me, I ran over and jumped on his back and we both hit the floor.

'Ouch that hurt' I giggled
'Yeah you might wanna get off me' He said

I quickly got up and Calum pushed me and stormed off. I got up from the floor and ran away. I went out one of the doors and ran around the corner. I wiped my eyes and saw some fans. I was about to turn around until they noticed me. I took a few photos before running back inside.

-Sorry about taking forever to update. I promise I'll have a new chapter very soon! Merry Christmas everyone x-

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