Chapter 24

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*8 Months Later*

Calum's P.O.V.

So it's been a long 8 months we are currently touring and Farrah and Sky have been with us the whole time. We told the fans that Farrah was pregnant when you could notice she was gaining weight.

Farrah has been having bad pains recently but we were told it was nothing to worry about. We are about to go on stage. I can see Farrah walking to the bathroom, being pregnant isn't great for her... Always being sick and having pains.. I feel sorry for doing this to her. I grab my guitar and run on stage after Luke forgetting that my girlfriend is getting sick.

We come off stage and security told me Farrah has been brought into hospital because her water broke. I grab a bag Farrah gave to bring in case her water broke when we weren't at home. I grab her set of spare keys that she'd given me I get the guy and we all drive to the hospital.
I go let to reception and they told me where Farrah was and I ran down. I saw Sky and she told the doctor I was the father of the baby and then he let me in. I had to put on a gown and wash my hands. I saw Farrah on the bed in pain screaming. I grab her hand and the nurse is telling her to push. At this point Farrah is screaming and crying all at once. The nurse told her to push one more time and then we heard a baby crying. They wrapped the baby up and handed it to Farrah.

'It's a girl, what should we name her?' Farrah said still crying
'I think you should pick' I smiled
'Layla Sky Hood' Farrah said
'I love it' I said 'who are godparents'
'Uh well I was gonna pick my mom as godmother and you can choose godfather' she said
'Uh Mikey since he is your brother' I said

Farrah handed me Layla and I held her close.
'She's got your eyes Farrah' I said
'She looks like you though' Farrah said

After a while everyone was let in, we told them the name, Sky was happy about it and Mikey was happy to be godfather. The other boys are 'uncles' so it's good. I'm so happy this happened. We rang Farrah's mom and Mikey went to pick her up and bring Becca and Jake too. Since it was getting late we all had to leave but Farrah's mom was aloud stay for a little longer.

*next day*

Farrah asked me to tell the fans that she had the baby last night and to post a picture too. So I did. The fans were saying how she looked like Farrah but had my eyes. Farrah had fallen asleep and Layla was lying in her cot. I picked her up and held her close to me.

'Hi baby girl it's your daddy' I said

She lifted her hand up and touched my chin. I kissed her forehead and put her back down. I went out to get a drink and saw Michael in the hall.

'Hey Cal is it okay to go in and see Farrah?' He asked
'Yeah sure she might be asleep though' I said

Michael walked into down the hall and into the room. I checked Twitter, Michael had tweeted that he was happy to be an uncle/godfather and that he was happy for us. I saw their mom coming in followed by Becca and Jake.

'Hi Calum' Becca said hugging me
'Hi Becca' I smiled
'Is it okay to see Farrah?' Her mom said
'Yeah I'll show you the way' I smiled
We walked to the room and Farrah was packing her things up. I guess she's coming home today. I got the baby seat from the car and brought it in. Mikey drove Farrahs car with me and her and Layla. We all went back to our house and everyone was there waiting. We all took a family photo together, Me, Mikey, Farrah, Layla, Mikey and Farrahs mom, brother and sister.
Then we took photos with Luke Ashton and Mikey. Then Farrah took a picture with Sky. It was all fun but Farrah was exhausted so she took Layla to bed. Everyone went home and I went into bed beside her.

Layla woke up during the night and I picked her up and gave her a bottle. I brought her into the bed beside me and we fell asleep. I woke in the morning and Farrah wasn't there but Layla was and she was still asleep. I got up quietly and went downstairs. Sky and Farrah were looking at a photo.
'Cal you look so cute with Layla' Sky smiled
Farrah showed me a picture of me and Layla asleep. I laughed and asked her to send me the photo.

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