Chapter 12

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Calum's P.O.V.
Our plane was boarding and Farrah was still in the bathroom. I told the boys that I'd get her. I grabbed her bags and walked towards the bathroom. When I saw Farrah I ran to her grabbed her arm and ran to the plane. When we sat down she fell asleep. I wouldn't blame her, she's stressed about her dad and then Michael pushing her off her seat. She looks so pretty sleeping.
Farrah slept the whole ride. I gently tapped her to wake her. She got up and we walked off the plane. We got our bags and went to get a taxi. I let Farrah sit on my lap. She cuddled up to my chest and sniffed my top.
'Cal you smell so good' She laughed
I laughed at how weird she is. I looked into her eyes. She has big brown eyes, and they're so beautiful. I couldn't resist, I leaned in and so did she. We kissed, it was magical. When we parted we saw everyone looking at us. Farrah blushed and we laughed. Everyone went back to looking at their phones. I take out my phone and click into camera. I nudge Farrah and we both take a picture and I post it on Twitter. We arrive to the house we were staying at and we all got out. We're gonna be here for a month. We all brought our bags into the house. Farrah dropped her bags and ran up the stairs and ran into a random room. There were 4 bedrooms here, so Farrahs gonna be staying with me. I grabbed our bags and I followed her. She chose the room with a balcony. There was a double bed which we had to share. She jumped onto the bed and just lay there. I sat down beside her and we cuddled. Luke called us from the other room to see if we wanted to come for food. We both got up and walked out of the room. I thought Farrah would have changed or put make up on, but she actually went outside in her sweats. I find it pretty hot actually. Girls who wear sweats and go all natural is rare. We all walked down the road to Pizza Hut. We got 3 pizzas, one chicken, one BBQ meat lovers and one with just cheese. On our way back Farrah went into a shop and bought some drinks.  We went back home and sat down and ate the pizza. Farrah got up and went to the bedroom. After ten minutes I walked up the stairs and into our room. Farrah was sitting at the table on the laptop. I heard quiet sobs coming from her. I walked closer and saw she was looking through twitter. She noticed the hate. Why do fans react this way?
'None of that is true you know?' I said hugging her tightly
'Yes it is, I'm not good enough for you guys, I shouldn't have said yes to coming here' She sobbed into my chest
'You're absolutley beautiful Farrah, someone else's opinion will never change my opinion of you, I think you're pretty and I like you' I said lifting her chin up
'You think I'm pretty?' she said blushing
'Yes I do' I smiled
I looked into her eyes. I wiped the tears from her eyes and pulled her into another hug. I lowered my hear down to her ear.
'Will you be my girlfriend?' I whispered
'Yes' she said giggling
I pulled away and looked into her eyes and kissed her.  She got up and went into the bathroom and changed into her pyjamas.

Farrah's P.O.V.

After I finished my pizza, I went upstairs. I sat at the table and pulled out my laptop. I logged into my twitter and looked through my timeline. I saw a girl from school pop up in my mentions.
'Why would Calum Hood date @Farrah_xoxo_ she's ugly'
'@Farrah_xoxo_ was probably adopted cause Michael is hot and she's not'
'Calum is probably desperate if he likes @Farrah_xoxo_'
I kept looking through my mentions, there was a lot of hate. Why don't they like me? I never did anything to them? They dont know me personally, so why are they judging me?
I sat at the computer and started crying. I felt someone hug me, it was Calum. He told me he thought I was beautiful, and it made me really happy. We hugged again but then out of no where Calum asked me out. Of course I said yes! Like its Calum Hood, my favourite from 5 Seconds Of Summer! I got up and went into the bathroom to change into my pyjamas. I went back to the room and put nextflix on and Cal went down to get sweets and stuff. We both cuddled up in bed and watched movies. The last thing I remember is cuddling with Calum

I know this chapter is short, but I've been busy lately, and I'vebeen stressing over school and then my phone got taken away from me for a week in school and my keyboard broke on my laptop. Ugh I promise I'll try update more.
Ily please vote comment and continue to be fabulous x

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