Chapter 17

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Farrahs P.O.V

Its been a month since Aj was here. I'm so happy with everything. She's dating Ashton, but it's not official yet. The tour is great and the fans are amazing. Today we are in London, the boys are doing a Meet & Greet. The boys are in the back of HMV getting ready. There's a lot of fans here, I can't believe how much the fan base has explanded. I'm happy for the boys they're becoming everything they've dreamed of and more. They're going out now, you can hear how excited the fans are. It's great.
'Thank you to everyone for coming today because without you guys we wouldn't be here today' Calum said
The fans began to scream.. One by one they met the boys.
About an hour later the boys came back. They were tired but happy with their achievements. Calum walked over to me and hugged me.
'One of the fans gave me this for you' Cal smiled
He handed me a piece of paper with a picture of me and Cal that said 'Farum' on it. I guess that's what the fans chose as our ship name. They're quite clever to be honest. Her Twitter name was on a piece of paper attached to the photo so I followed her and tweeted her
'Thank you for the picture, I love the ship name #Farum'
I locked my phone and followed everyone out the back exit. We got into a car and drove to the house. I ordered some food and we sat down to watch TV. I turned on Catfish: The TV Show, it's actually my favourite thing to watch.
The episode we were watching is Season 4 Episode 3, which has Tyler Oakley in it. He's actually amazing! We ate our food and had a laugh together.
After It was over I went up to my room, and took out my laptop and went onto Twitter. I was looking through my news feed when a picture caught my eye. It was Calum and AJ... Together. What! Okay there must be a reasonable explanation for this. I scrolled a bit more and found another photo, this time it was worse, they were kissing! My boyfriend and best friend! No! That can't be! Just then I heard the door open and Calum walked in. I looked him dead in the eyes.
'What is this' I said pointing to the screen
'It's not what it looks like' he said
'Calum you're making out with my best friend in this photo'
'Farrah it's not like that! Please listen to me'
'Calum I don't want to hear your bullshit!'
With that I got up and left I slammed the bedroom door and walked downstairs. I saw AJ and Ashton cuddled up on the couch. I walked over and looked at her, tears streaming down my face.
'Farrah what's wrong' Ashton said
'Ask your whore of a girlfriend what's wrong' I said
'Farrah what's gotten into you!' Ashton yelled
'Your girlfriend cheated with my boyfriend! It's all over Twitter!' I yelled back
'Is this true' Ashton said to AJ
'Ash I'm sorry' she said
'Is it true' he said a bit louder
'Yes, I'm sorry I don't know why I did it' she said
Calum walked down the stairs and grabbed my arm but I pushed him off and grabbed my phone and walked out the door. I walked down the road to the nearest park. I sat on the swing and cried. I heard the swing beside me moved and I looked over.
'Farrah is that you?' They said
'Niall, what are you doing here?' I asked
'Well, I went to the house to see if you were there, but Michael said you had gone out and he didn't know where you were, and I saw a girl leaving with bags and she was hugging Calum and Ashton was crying so I assumed you were upset and whenever I'm upset I come to the park to gather my thoughts so I thought you might be here, and here you are!' He smiled
'Niall you are the best really' I laughed
'So what's wrong?'
'Calum cheated with the girl that was leaving, that's why Ash is crying, it was his girlfriend'
'Aw Farrah, come on we can go back to Liam and Sophia and we can do something' he smiled putting his hand out
I got up and grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his and we walked to his house.

Eh it's not a great chapter but I wanna thank @cbadgett for coming up with the ship name 'Farum' and I know it might not have been expected that Calum cheated but it happened. Comment and vote please x

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