Chapter 15

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Michaels P.O.V.

When we got off stage one of the stage crew came up and told us Farrah had been taken into hospital. I got all my stuff and went straight to the hospital. The guys went home and got her some things.

When I got to the hospital I went to the front desk.

'Can I help you' the receptionist said

'I'm looking for Farrah Clifford' I said

'Room 347 Section J' she said

I went up a few stairs and found her room. I knocked on the door and walked in. There was a doctor there.

'Are you a relative' he asked

'Yes I'm her brother Michael Clifford' I said

'She fainted due to not having enough water or fluids in her system. She also has a broken rib' he said

I stood there shocked as if everything was my fault.

'It was cause by a hard push and hard fall, she will have to stay for a week' he said

I nodded and he left the room. Cal told me something about how she jumped on him and they both landed on the floor. I can't believe that we did this to her. She's my little sister I'm supposed to annoy her not put her in hospital.

I walked over to her bed and say and the chair next to it.

'You're my little sister, I'm supposed to annoy you but not this much. It's my fault you're here I love you' I said

She was still unconscious so she couldn't hear me. I looked down at her hand, there was a needle attached to her hand. There was a little mark on the side of her hand so I turned her arm over. There were about ten small cuts on her arm. No. She doesn't. Does she? She self harms? But...

Just then Cal Ash and Luke walked into the room. I let a tear slip and Ash came over and hugged me and noticed her arm. The rest of the boys came over and saw too. Calum looked the most upset, he ran out of the room so I got up and ran after him. I found him in one of the bathroom stalls.

'Cal dude what's up?' I asked

'She's my girlfriend and she hurts herself, I love her but I didn't realise how bad the hate she got was. I saw her crying one night over it but I thought she was okay after we talked' he said

'Cal this isn't your fault, none of us knew. We can't stop what we don't know. We just have to talk to her about it and help her' I said

Cal nodded and we went back to her room. She was awake and talking to Ash who was pointing at her arms. I think he's brought it up.

Farrah's P.O.V

I woke up in a white room with a needle attached to a bag of water. I looked around and saw Luke and Ashton. Ashton came over and sat next to me. He grabbed my hand ad turned it around and pointed at my arm. Just then Mikey and Cal walked in.

Everyone was looking at me. I guess I had to explain.
'Im sorry guys.. the hate is really bad I don't even know why they do it' I said
'Because you're beautiful, and they wish they could be our friends' Mikey said 'And they wish they were Cals girlfriend'
'You finally asked her' Ash said
'Congrats bro' Luke smiled
'Yeah I did hah' Cal said

We all sat there laughing. A doctor came in and told me that I had to stay here for a week. Thank god the next concert is after I come out. Since I was under 18 someone had to stay with me. Cal said he would and then the biys can visit whenever they like. The boys had brought my laptop and my charger for my phone which was good. It was 11pm so the boys had to go home. Calum was in the chair beside me, looking at his Twitter.

'Can I do a twitcam?' Cal asked

'Yeah sure' I smiled

I handed Calum my laptop and he placed it on the table and sat in front of it. You could see me in the background but I didn't mind.

'Hey guys, Cal here, I'm in the hospital with Farrah, but don't worry she's fine' He smiled

I walked over and Cal moved over a bit, and I waved. There were tweets coming in asking if I was okay and asking what happened.

'Guys I'm fine, I just fainted thats all' I smiled

I know this isn't that great but I'm sorry I promise it will get better! I've been busy all week, with my birthday yesterday and my brothers today and my half brothers next week.. Sorry guys I'll try update more x

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