Chapter 11

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----- 1 Month Later -----

Calums P.O.V.

It's been a month since we met Farrah. Tomorrow is our first day on tour and we haven't told the fans yet, but Farrah is going to open the concert for us. Ally got a job and moved out, but she vists when she can. I'm excited to have Farrah on our tour. We all bonded with her.

I took out my phone and looked through my mention. There was a tweet from Farrah.

'@Farrah_xoxo_: I can't wait to open for @5SOS tomorrow. Love these boys @Calum5SOS @Luke5SOS @Ashton5SOS @Michael5SOS'

I replied to her tweet: '@Calum5SOS: @Farrah_xoxo_ Aw we cant wait either, love you too'

I locked my phone and got up. It's 7am and our flight is at 11am. I grabbed my suitcases and put them by the door. I put on my jeans and a hoodie and grabbed my bags and walked downstairs. I left my bags by the door and walked into the kitchen. I saw Farrah sitting with the boys at the counter. I walked over and sat down.

Farrah's P.O.V.

I woke early this morning, at around 6:30am and walked into Mikeys room. I gently shook him and he blinked a few times before getting up. We both walked to the kitchen and he made me something to eat. 10 minutes later Ashton walked down followed by Luke. I logged onto my twitter and followed fan accounts. People were saying how they ship me with Calum and how we'd be cute together. I posted a tweet: '@Farrah_xoxo:I cant wait to open for @5SOS tomorrow. Love these boys @Calum5SOS @Luke5SOS @Ashton5SOS @Michael5SOS'

I looked at the time 7am, ugh Calum better get up cause we have to be in the airport by 8am. I looked at my twitter, Calum replied to my tweet saying: '@Calum5SOS: @Farrah_xoxo_ Aw we cant wait either, love you too'
After about two minutes Calum came down with his bags and sat down next to me.
'Right, if we leave now we can get Starbucks and still get to the airport by 8' Luke said
We all agreed and got into the car. Michael and Luke in the front, Calum me and Ashton in the back. I sat in the middle of the boys. We got to Starbucks after 10 minutes. Mikey and Luke ran in and got everyones drinks.We drove to the airport and got there before 8. We all got out bags and went to check in. We saw some fans and the boys took pictures with them. I stood back cause the girls just kept glaring at me, which was uncomfortable. There was a girl, about 14 who wanted a picture with the boys, but the group of girls kept pushing her away saying she wasn't pretty enough to get a picture. I walked over towards her.

'Hi, are you trying to get a picture with the boys?' I smiled

'Yeah, but those girls wont let me' She said starting to tear up

'Calum come over here' I screamed

Everyone looked at me and Calum walked over. The girl looked at me and I smiled at her. She walked over to Calum and asked for a picture and he took a few with her. The rest of the boys took pictures with her and then she walked back over to me.

'Farrah, can we take a picture together?' she smiled
I nodded and we took some together, I followed her on twitter and added her on snapchat. I waved at her as she was leaving. I walked back over to the boys and we went to get something to eat. We sat down at a table with five seats. I went to the counter and got myself hot chocolate and a toastie. I walked over to the table and sat in between Calum and Mikey. I took out my phone and checked my Twitter. There were fans in England tweeting that they were waiting at the Airport for us. I looked up to see all the boys on their phones. I looked at Mikeys phone and he was texting a girl.
'Farrah shut up' he said
Mikey pushed me and I fell to the ground, all the boys looked up and I tried my hardest not to cry but a tear fell down my  cheek.
'You're just like dad' I said running to the bathroom
I sat in the cubical crying my eyes out. Why would he act this way? He was never this bad. We've had out fights but he's never pushed me or hit me. He'd always say sorry after. I finally decided to go out after 10 minutes. I saw Calum holding my bag but I couldn't see the others. He ran towards me and grabbed my hand and ran to the plane with me. We borded the plane and I sat with Luke and Calum. I lay my head down on Calums shoulder and drifted to sleep.

I know my updates aren't frequent, but guys I'm busy with school and I have exams and a load of personal problems going on. I hope you guys can bare with me.
Keep reading, voting and commenting. Ly guys x 

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