Chapter 1♥

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Farrah's P.O.V.

'Farrah wake up, come on it's time to get up' my mom called

I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom and went for a shower. I got out and dried myself and put on my sweat pants, and my 'In Life Simple Is Best' sweatshirt. I grabbed my glasses and put them on. I dryed my hair and tied it up in a messy bun. I walked downstairs and saw all my bags by the door. I grabbed my shoes and walked into the kitchen.

'Mom come on we need to go, I wanna get something to eat' I said

'Calm down, I was getting your sisters shoes on, now where's your brother?' My mom said


'I'm coming god calm down' Jake said

Me and my mom grabbed my bags and carried them out to the car. I climbed into the front and turned on the radio.

'Here's 5 Seconds Of Summer, She Looks So Perfect' the presenter said

I look back at my brother and sister, who have no clue that our brother is famous and they start to sing along to the song so I turn it up louder. I begin to sing along until I get interupeted by a phone call.

'Hello?' I say

'Hey Farrah, um... It's Michael here, LADS SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M ON THE PHONE TO HER NOW, Oh sorry Farrah hahaa, well... the boys don't believe that you're my sister, and they don't think you're coming.' Michael says

'Ashton, Luke, Calum.. I'm Michaels sister, my name is Farrah Clifford, I am 16 so shut up or I'll bitch slap ye' I said

'Farrah watch your language' My mum said

'Sorry mum' I laughed

'So, where are you now?' Michael asked

'I'm almost at the Airport, I'll call you when I arrive, love you' I said

'Love you to Farrah' Michael said hanging up

We arrived at the airportI hugged everyone goodbye and borded my plane. I sat in my seat, beside an older couple, in about mid 60's.

'Hi sweetheart, would you like the window seat?' The lady asked

'No thanks I'm fine sitting here' I smiled

'Alright' she said

I put my earphones in and put on music. I started to sing Beyoncé - Love On Top quietly.

'Love you're a wonderful singer' the lady said

'What? Could you hear me?' I said

'Yes, you are wonderful!' She said

'Thank you, haha' I giggled

'My names Jenny, what's yours?' she said

'I'm Farrah' I said

'Wow a wonderful name for a wonderful girl' Jenny said 'So what brings you America?'

'I'm visiting my brother, and I'm going on tour with his band, and yourself?' I said

'Visiting my grand-daughter, she's going to see some band in concert, 5 Seconds Of Summer I think? I'm not good at remembering, I'm getting old' Jenny laughed

'Really? That's my brothers band, that's amazing, how old is your grand-daughter?' I said

'She's 16' Jenny said

'Oh wow, is she coming to pick you up?' I asked

'Yes, actually she is, would you like to talk to her?' Jenny said

'Yes please' I smiled

'Ok, well, I need to rest for a bit, if I'm not awake when the plane is landing can you wake me?' Jenny said

'Of course' I smiled

I continued to listen to music, and after about and hour I fell asleep. I woke up to Jenny gentally tapping me. I rubbed my eyes and looked at her.

'We've landed' She said

'Really wow' I smiled

We both walked off the plane and went to get our bags.

'GRANNY' I heard someone say

'Hi Lillie, this is Farrah, she was with me on the plane and wanted to meet you' Jenny said

'Hey Farrah, I'm Lilly' She said

'Hey Lillie, your Granny was telling me that you're going to a 5 Seconds Of Summer Concert this week' I said

'Yeah I am, why?' She said

'I am too, where abouts are you' I said

'Front row you' Lilllie said

'Same, hope to see you there' I smiled

'You too, here's my number if you wanna text me' she said handing me a piece of paper

'Thanks' I smiled

I grabbed my bags and went to the door. I heard footsteps and turned around and saw Michael. I ran over and hugged him tightly.

'I've missed you Mikeey' I smiled

'I missed you too shitty' He said

'Oh you're nice to your sister aren't you' Someone said

I turned around and looked at who said it. It was Luke. Oh damn that boy. Everyone started laughing and I realized that I said that out loud.

'Fuck' I sighed

'Nice to meet you too' Luke laughed hugging me

'LUKE LET ME HUG HER' Calum screamed

'Calum, just wait your turn cant you tell, she loves me?' Luke laughed

I pulled away and made an angry face. Someone came up behind me and hugged me. I looked up and saw Calum.

'Don't worry Farrah, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you, I'll love you' Calum laughed

'I'll love you too?' I said confused

'MY TURN' Ashton said hugging me

'Come on everyone hug her' Calum said

'I CAN'T BREATHE' I said in between breaths

'Oh sorry, come on or we'll be late' Ashton said running to the car

Luke and Calum helped me with my bags and we all piled into the taxi. I sat on Calums lap since there wasn't enough room for everyone. We all played on our phones. I decided I'd scare everyone by screaming something.



'LADS WHAT THE FUCK' Calum screamed

'Sorry Calum, do you want a kiss better?' I laughed

'Yes' he winked

I leaned into kiss him, but instead I spat in his face.

'That wasn't nice' Calum said wiping his face

'Sorry' I laughed

'You should be' He said wiping the spit on my face

We all messed around until we arrived at the hotel. I got all my bags, with the help of Ashton and Luke this time, and walked up to the room I was sharing with Calum.

Thanks for reading♥ Can you please vote for my story!♥ Love ye♥ -Farrah

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