Chapter 19

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Farrah's P.O.V.

We arrived in London and it was about 11 a.m. We got to the house that we are staying in for the next month. We got out of the car and I ran into the house and chose the biggest room. Luke followed me and we sat in the room. I ran into the bathroom and changed into jeans, a crop top and a cardigan I left my hair in natural waves. I put on red lipstick mascara and a light black eyeshadow.

I went into the bedroom and Luke was putting his stuff away. I walked over and hugged him from behind.

'Farrah you look beautiful' he smiled

'Oh Lukey' I blushed

I grabbed my bags and started putting things away. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. Everybody must be in their rooms cause nobody's down here. I opened the door and went outside. I walked past my school, and it was quite.. I'm happy that it's the summer, cause I really wanna finish school and become either a model or a singer. Uhhh wow, if I do I'll end up being far away from Mikey... I'll be in London with my mom, brother and sister, while Mikey will be all over the world. I go back home and see everyone in the sitting room.

'Mikey do you wanna come see mom?' I said

'Yeah sure' he said 'lads do ye wanna come?'

They nodded and we hopped in a taxi. I get the driver the address and we drove there.

'Mikey, mom has 2 more children, but not with dad.. There's Jake who's 10 and Rebecca who's 8' I said awkwardly

'Oh I can't wait to meet them!' He smiled

We arrived home and I opened the door.


Rebecca came running towards me and hugged me. I moved forward a little and let the boys in.



'Er thats something we have to talk about' Mom said

'Guys ye can go up to my room if ye want, its got my name on it' I smiled

Mikey, Me, Jake and Rebecca sat at the table.

'Becca you know how I went to America?' I said

'Yes' She said

'I was going on tour with 5 Seconds Of Summer' I smiled

'How do you know them' Jake asked

'Michael is our brother' I said

They sat there confused. Mom explained how she had two children with my dad before she met theirs. I walked upsairs while Michael stayed down talking to Jake and Becca.

I walked over to the door and I heard the boys talking.

'Man I actually love her, I fucked up and she's never gonna wanna take me back' Calum said 'Like I couldn't explain to her what happened'

'What happened so' Luke said

'Well I was asking her to help me pick out something for Farrah for her Birthday soon, and I'm assuming she saw the pap cause she just kissed me. I didn't want that to happen, I don't even like her'

I opened the door and walked over to Calum and hugged him.

'I guess you heard?' He said

'I did' I smiled

He pulled a box out of his pocket and gave me a silver charm bracelet with the date we first met on it.

'Thank you Calum' I smiled 'Its amazing'

He smiled. Michael came back up and said mom had ordered pizza for us all. We went downstairs and had some pizza. Michael was complaining that he was still hungry and wanted another slice.

Ashton made a song out of it which goes a little like this:

Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice



Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice.

We all started laughing. I'm so happy, finally our family is together, I have my boyfriend and my two amazing best friends. What else could a girl ask for.
Just then I heard a knock at the door.
'Hi Ms.Clifford is Farrah home?' Said somebody
I know that voice... OH MY GOSH ITS SKYLAR! I ran up and hugged her tightly and wrapped my legs around her.
'Oh my gosh Sky I've missed you!' I stared tearing up
'Ive missed you too' she smiled hugging me tighter
I walked into the sitting room and introduced her to the boys.
'Its great to finally meet you in person' Mikey said
'You too Michael' she smiled

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