someones halls are gettin DECKED

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Sonic felt a chill run down his spine as he screeched to a halt near a Wendy's. Everything was quiet; not a person in sight since any sensible person (unless they were an insomniac) would be sleeping by now. The only thing that filled his head was the constant ringing he only experienced during moments of complete silence. Once his senses cooled however, he began to hear the gentle wind flowing against his quills. He knew something was wrong but he just couldn't put his finger on it. 

He decided to call Tails on his watch, hoping he'd already found Amy and Knuckles because lord knows what they're doing. And yet just as he was about to turn on the darn thing, a bright flash followed by a strong gust of wind brought him to the attention of something so much worse than he anticipated. Spinning around to see what had happened, he stood there in awe and this overwhelming dread that only made his anxiety levels spike up. 

Miles away, a bright turquoise light that shined so bright he needed to squint, appear out of thin air. Everything around it was moving. The grass fled, the leaves swirled, and something fell out of the portal. Except Sonic knew without a shadow of a doubt that whatever had fallen out of that portal wasn't just a something but in fact a someone. If Sonic knew any better than to think of any alternative person to come through that portal. That meant that whatever was going to happen now, was going to affect the future so bad that Silver of all people had to travel back in time. And from what it seemed like, he was in dire need of help. 

Many and most would assume that because Sonic was so often saving the world that he never grew anxious over anything. So much had happened that he'd probably go numb to whatever would hit them, whether it be the metal virus or Eggman trying to destroy a planet with some alien help. 

They couldn't be more wrong. 

Even Sonic himself at some point thought he was going to get used to all of this. The constant danger and action going on in their lives would just fade in the background as he saved the day. He'd never thought he'd get nightmares from some of his missions. The slight panic that would wash over him whenever he was in a quiet, empty room. Or experience some trauma after the entire pandemic. Everything up until now was starting to weigh on him. Not like it hadn't before, he was just better at ignoring it. Now everything seemed a little too risky or a little too much. There were barely ever times where things were just... chill. 

Luckily he was soon taken out of his overbearing thoughts when he spotted red lights streak one after the other; coming straight for presumably Silver. Without thinking too hard on it, he already knew who this was but he also spotted the fading sparkles of a certain someone's hammer. This, at least, set some relief in his stomach. 

By the time he'd run over, Amy and Knuckles were already tending to the kid. 

Kneeling over to check for any wounds, which were pretty distinct against the now fading lights from his gear, Shadow walked over slowly. It was obvious that these two idiots hadn't realized that their blue blur was right beside them since they hadn't reacted when he came from nowhere. 

A small reminder would definitely help. 

"Aren't you supposed to be lying half-dead in some hospital right now?" Shadow asked a little too easily. 

It was right then when Amy looked up at the third person next to her and gasped at the sight of one of her favorite faces. She instinctively latched herself onto him while exclaiming his name. Holding him tightly as she tried to hold tears back, only to have them come up as choked-up sobs. 

"I'm so glad you're alright," she stuttered through hiccups. 

Sonic almost felt himself crumble when he heard that. Hugging her back as tight as she held him; gently leaning into her head as she took in his presence.  Feeling that if he even muttered a word, he'd break as well. But swallowing that fear for them, he made sure to give her reassurance. 

"Yeah... I'm doing just fine..."

After a few more seconds, Amy decided it had been enough and let go to dry her face while giving him a smile. He returned kindly. Of course, the moment only lasted a few seconds though because then Shadow butt in a second time. Then again, it was only meant to lighten the mood. 

"How did you not know it was him? He was literally right next to you." 

"Oh you shut up!" she retorted. "It's really dark. What do you expect from me?"

"Getting your eyes checked."

Sonic couldn't help but chuckle at his response. It was good that these two were getting along and he felt much more relieved that everyone was doing just fine. Well... mostly everyone. 

"We should probably check up on Silver," Sonic soon offered. Which to everyone's agreement, they all went straight to see if he was okay. 

Things were a lot worse than they ever thought. After some thorough inspection and previous medical experience, Silver was in pretty bad shape. There were signs of bruising in many parts of his body; scratches everywhere, some deep. His fur was matted and filthy but also damp and cold. What scared them the most were the signs of internal bleeding. Whatever happened broke a rib which could have punctured a lung. And don't get Sonic started on how scary his breathing sounded. 

As he walked carefully with him on his back, every breath he took would be right in his ear. It was even worse since those breaths were so short and shallow. It also didn't help that he could feel his heart pounding against his back. They had patched him up the best they could but this needed professional attention. Having him hunched over his back didn't seem like a good idea either, but there wasn't any other way to carry him without hurting him further. 

Sonic had already informed Tails of their arrival, but halfway back, in the midst of the quiet conversation between Amy and Knuckles were having, he couldn't just not ask the black hedgehog next to him if he wasn't carrying. 

"What do you want?" he asked already sounding annoyed. 

"I haven't even said anything!" 

"You were side-eyeing me, you blue bitch."

Sonic could only sigh but not without a defeated chuckle. "Do you have an emerald on ya'? It would be so much faster to just teleport there than to walk."

He swore he spotted a small grin with his usual eye-roll, "Says the fastest thing alive."

"You know why we can't run!" He almost laughed. "Just- do you have it or not?"

Shadow sighed through his nose as he crossed his arms, "If I had it we wouldn't be walking."

That's what he was afraid of. The more they walked, the more he felt like he was just digging that fracture further into his lung. Not only that, it could just be his imagination, but he felt him getting heavier. And it wasn't like Silver was even remotely heavy. It was like holding a couple of grapes in his palm. But if they took any longer, things could go wrong. 

Fortunately, Tails already had the door wide open for them. Like a light in a dark cave, as corny as it sounds. 

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