Haha... fuck.

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It was rare for Sonic to slip into the complex and vast mind space that wasn't his brain, contrary to the name, nor his heart, but quite literally his soul. It was definitely a weird concept to grasp, he hadn't told anyone this since just so the thought alone would make everyone probably question his sanity. Which alone was only deteriorating as time went on.
Regardless of anything, he was there. Not really doing anything, sitting there for who knows how long, as he watched his previous, older memories slowly pass by like a slide show. Strangely enough, almost none of these memories were believable to anyone outside of himself. How could he explain to his friends that he traveled between worlds via book without them immediately thinking he was crazy? Of course, the other possibility of them actually just going along with it and accepting since it just sounds like something he would do.

What didn't occur to him, however, was the fact that he was also dying. It was pretty easy to forget what's going on in outside world when he's just been chilling in a little safe space that his body decided to make out of the blue one day. The only thing that really clicked in him was the fact that one of the memories seemed pretty recent. The panel showed his friends in distress in what seemed to be an unlit room.
No... they weren't in a room... they were outside. The sky was darkened because of the storm that was oncoming and the edges of the panel were dark because he was passing out. The next few panels were just him looking up at a white ceiling, looking over to his friends who wore these concerned faces that he hated. Nurses whizzed in and out during his few moments of consciousness and even then, there was even more darkness and blurriness.

At some point he needed to wake up. If not, then they would easily think he was in some sort of coma or even worse, brain dead. But how long had it been? If it was up to him, he'd say it had only been a few hours but it could easily be days since he's actually woken up.

Well, there was really only one way to find out.

Amy and Knuckles had been walking in a straight line for a few hours before Knuckles finally decided to speak up, "I know you said we were going to find help and you did your whole dramatic act and all... but where are we even going? Who lives all the way out here?"
It wasn't a bad question to ask. They were in the middle of what you could say nowhere and where ever they could be only led to more questions. They were far out in the suburban side now, miles away from the large city and in a little town that couldn't exactly be classified as a town or a city. It looked like it was in a weird grey area; where the limbo was thought to reside. In reality, the place could well be normal and he was just over analyzing. Whatever it was, they seemed to arrive at their destination when Amy suddenly stopped at an entrance of a park. There was visibly no one around, probably due to the fact that it was getting dark, except the empty park benches and an occasional breeze that only felt stronger as time went by.

He looked over at Amy, whose eyes were as determined as ever as she continued on toward a certain tree. It felt pretty ominous as they approached the enormous thing. It wasn't like it was even in the center of the park either, this big boy was deep in the forest that was beside the little park. A large enough place where small children would get lost in and less than smart teens daring each other to venture into it because they lost some bet.

"I'll admit, I was overacting maybe a little bit. The clock was most likely referring to how many days he has left and not hours. Because if it was actually hours... he'd be dead by now, which is why I've decided to travel all the way out here for some additional hands. That... or he'll just pretend we don't exist."

The last sentence made Knuckles's eye twitch, "Ok, who is this guy exactly?"

"Only our bestest most trusted friend that definitely didn't try stealing my shit the other week."

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