fuck it we ball

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((Trigger Warning for around when Amy says, "So what did you did, Tails?". Mentions of attempted self harm))

Shadow was never one for the forest. As he dragged Sonic through the dense woods, it felt like they'd be walking forever. Despite knowing exactly where he was going due to the positioning of the sun, it didn't change the fact that the walk was going to be long.
And yes, the most he could do was walk. The amount of trees made it almost impossible to skate through and he didn't have the energy to hop from one tree to the other like a bootleg Tarzan.

So to the pass the time, he thought of ways to wake up Sonic.

Maybe he could force him awake. By literally punching him out of his coma. He did mention it had to be something to shock him out of it. Maybe a smelling salt would do the trick.

But clearly, there was no access to a smelling salt and he doubted violence would work.

He squeezed Sonic's hand as he grew frustrated when he couldn't figure out a way to get him back.

Shadow groaned, "Out of all the things you could've done, it had to he this."

There was no point in internally monolouging it. There was probably a chance he could hear everything he was saying anyways. Why not fess up when there was no way Sonic could respond.

Maybe embarrassing himself would get him back.

Despite his own pride, he decided to bite the bullet and just talk.

"Why... why do you like me?" He started, surprised he was going in this direction.

Keeping his eyes foward, refusing to look at him even if it wouldn't change anything.

"I hated you in the beginning. Hated your friends, tried killing those friends. Tried killing you. I don't even know why I hated you," he said more to himself. "Other than Robotnik saying I had to fight you, I hated you for the sake of it."

His brows furrowed as he brushed away a low hanging branch, "But I think there was a reason and I just wasn't ready to confront it. And... I think I was jealous."

It felt strangely good to simply let it out in the air without thinking too much on it. Even if Sonic could hear, it wasn't like he could say anything anyway. It was, in a way, freeing.

"You had people you cared about and people who cared about you. I saw you go through a lot. So much and yet you still had the same attitude. And I thought, how could this guy just do it? I thought you were stupid for being so optimistic but then I realised if you weren't, then no one would be."

Shadow squeezed Sonic's hand again, feeling his body begin to shake.

"The most I've ever done is cause problems and drop them on your lap. And somehow-" he felt his voice crack. Swallowing to make the pain in his throat go away. "...somehow you still liked me."

"You've saved me more times than I can count and the most I've ever repaid you was through missions I'd help you with."

Shadow was beginning to see the opening of the woods. Almost marking the end of their walk.

"You were patient with me when we first met. You integrated me into your friend group and you even let my friends join. You've helped me recover from things that should've killed me and helped me when I least deserved it."

Upon walking through the last bit of trees to the open field, Shadow's voice had become slightly strained, "How can you not hate me?"

After a moment of long winded silence, he turned back to Sonic. Still stuck as Fleetway, unblinking as ever.

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