When Friends worry you can' t get them of your back

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Normal P. O. V
While Sonic was thinking to himself Amy, as the mad lover she is, snuck up on Sonic and said" You're day dreaming about me aren't you?" "WAH! Don't sneak up on me like that, it's a bit creepy." Sonic said. " Ha! Now you know how I feel. "

Just then the wind started blowing hard. The table cloth, the umbrella , and worst of all the cookies were starting to fall on the ground. " Ooh it's getting a bit windy we should go inside. " Cream said. Tails said " Yeah , save the cookies! "

It took about 10 minutes to get everything fixed up and takin inside of Amy's house. Cream and Tails were eating cookies. So was Amy but she was concerned about Sonic.

Amy's P. O. V
He's been acting weird since he got here with Tails. Besides the thing where he was running of course. He was thinking about something and he was paying much attention. He's just sitting on the side of the window, staring out into the field. I walked up to him and asked " Sonic?" " Hmm?" He said " Is everything all right? you look worried and you've been acting strange lately." I said. " I'm fine. I've just got a bad feeling is all. " he said, not to convincing. " What kind of bad feeling?" I asked. " Uh, it's nothing." " Sonic--" " Really Amy don't worry about it. "

Sonic's P. O. V
" Really Amy don't worry about it." She really wanted to know. But how could I tell her if I didn't even know. I mean sure I've had this feeling since I've woken up. That rarely happens , and when it does it doesn't go to well. I just hope nothing bad happens to anyone. If anything does I'd probably go insane. Then Cream was coming, no let me rephrase that, running up to me and Amy. Yep. Sugar high. " Can we go to the mall Amy? " " Yeah that sounds like a great idea Cream! Though I don't suppose that the boys wanna come to the mall where they have GAMES and CHILI DOGS..." She said. " Fine. But under one condition, I'm not carrying any of your stuff!" Ok I only agreed to go for two reasons, I didn't want any of us to get separated since I wanted to protect them and because of FREE FOOD DUH!

Ok don't get mad at me because it was kind of short ok? DEAL WITH IT!!

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