and the universe said i love you because you are love

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Barely a day had gone by and everything simply felt better.

Without Eggman, and especially Balan,  to worry about, it was a lot easier to start fixing what they had broken.

Tails got the house put back where it was supposed to be with the help of some very confused construction workers.

Amy ended up in the hospital for her concussion, being let out just a few hours after with the help of Rogue who had returned from her endeavors.

Silver took a quick trip to his timeline to ensure everything was fine (it was). Coming back to tend to the plants that were mercilessly destroyed the some days ago.

So where as everyone else was on a much quicker route to recovery, Sonic and Shadow were left with the short end of the stick.

Hours after the fight, everyone ended up going to Amy's house since Tails' got demolished. Silver helped both hedgehogs make it to the house since despite Shadow's protests, he wasn't doing so hot either. Almost immediately passing out right after Sonic. Who took the couch and Shadow the floor. Making it Silver's job to then take Amy to the hospital while Tails examined the other two.

They were both beyond exhausted. Having barely any energy to even keep their eyes open as Tails checked for any injuries or wounds.

Unsurprisingly, they shared a lot of bruises. Stained with dirt and dried blood that clung to their almost matted fur. Most likely from the lack of showering; being busy trying not to get killed or whatever.

Unfortunately, when Tails took a quick blood sample from an unconcious Sonic, it showed that he still had some traces of the rattlesnake poison in his blood. Whereas after doing some full body scans on both of them, Shadow showed signs of slight brain damage from something he'd have to ask him about.

In all, they're recovery process wasn't going to be fun for them.

Which they learned pretty quickly when Sonic woke up the next day with his entire body aching. His head was throbbing and his muscles felt tight and tender. Groaning as he turned his head to see where he was, which was Amy's lovely little guest room. Surprised to see Shadow in a makeshift bed that looked like it was hurriedly made. Although he was on the floor, so the most he saw was his quills poking from the side of the bed.

"Shadow?" He called out, a little surprised to how rough his voice sounded. But more worried about Shadow's condition.

With his response however, it let him know he was just fine.


Sonic snorted. "C'mere," he whispered.

Sonic could practically hear him roll his eyes, "Why don't you 'c'mere'?"

"Cause' my legs hurt," he laughed.

There was a sigh followed by a groan as he got up, but Shadow eventually made his way to the bed. Slipping under the covers and lying down beside him, with enough elbow room of course.


"Yes," Sonic smiled, shifting in the bed to face the other.

The coolness of the room made Sonic want to instinctively want to cuddle up to Shadow. The added warmth of another body was never something he could pass up. Especially with someone he loved.

Shadow on the other hand, was terrified to move. Scared that he might overstep a boundry and make the nice moment awkward with his actions. Not like that's never happened before, which was why he wanted to avoid it in the first place.
But seeing Sonic so comfy in his little spot, made the hedgehog feel just the tad bit tempted to throw all cares away and lay on top of him like a cat.

"This would've been easier if I was high off sedatives," Sonic mumbled before he essentially bit the bullet and shifted closer to Shadow. Just close enough to feel each other's warmth radiate off each other and their noses being just inches away from brushing.

He didn't make the effort to full on cuddle him just yet, testing the waters.

But he did want a talk.

"I heard what you said," he tried lowly. "Back in the forest?"

"Of course you did," Shadow groaned quietly, hiding himself in his hands.

Gently, Sonic slowly peeled away Shadow's fingers to better see his eyes. Who looked back at him with darting eyes. 

"Do you wanna know why I kept you around?"

"Pity?" Shadow asked a second later.

"Shadow!" He exclaimed, lightly smacking his face. Who laughed in response.

"I saw myself in you," Sonic tried to continue. And before Shadow could add another skeptical comment, he said, "You've only got to know who I am now. When I was a kid, I was always angry. Arrogant because I thought no one could ever compete against me. A complete jerk before meeting Tails and Amy because  in my head, no one else knew what hardship was."

Shadow listened intently, realizing that he actually didn't know much about Sonic. Despite being friends for a few years.

"I didn't have a family," he said quietly. "So when I met you, and learned what happened to yours, I could feel your hurt because at some point, it had been mine. How could I not keep you around?"

Shadow didn't say anything at first. Which Sonic didn't blame for; how were you supposed to respond to something so heavy?

"I'm sorry... about your family," Shadow said quietly.

"Don't worry about it," he said with a small smile, mustering what he could to put his hand on his shoulder. "I have a family now."

"And I went to therapy," Sonic shrugged, causing Shadow to laugh.

"You're so stupid," he smiled. Hesitantly sliding his hand out into the open of the mattress.

Sonic, who for once used the two braincells the Mobian gods granted him, took that as an invitation to move his hand from his shoulder, over top of Shadow's hand.

Shadow, unsure of how the whole intimacy thing worked, hesitantly said, "I... don't hate you."

Sonic laughed, unable to contain such a loud noise from escaping his mouth. With that, part of his shyness shriveled away as he kissed Shadow's cheek.

"I don't hate you either, Shads."

Sonic the Hedgehog Mobius ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now