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Things finally seemed to slow down a bit. Silver had been properly taken care of courtesy to their local doctor Tails called in, Amy, Knuckles, and Tails were sleeping in their own spots; Amy and Knuckles either on the cushioned chair or on the floor (you could already guess who got who) while Tails slept in his room. Everyone had eaten something warm and they were all safe.

The only one who had trouble sleeping was none other than Sonic. Not only was he stressed out about whatever happened to Silver to warrant him to travel back to their time, but he was also feeling the after-effects of not finishing his treatment back at the hospital. Since most of the antibiotics had entered his system, he wasn't too worried about dying.
However, due to the fact that he was no longer in the hospital, which meant a lack of treatment, painkillers, and constant monitoring, he now had to deal with the after-pain. It wasn't something he couldn't handle, he had been through a lot of things, but this understandably was one of the worst things he was experiencing.

As Silver was being treated earlier, he didn't want to admit how cold he felt. Being indoors and eating the warm soup helped, but there was no denying how much he was shivering after the matter. He hid it as best he did while putting everyone to bed; which sounds more like he was babysitting rather than making sure everyone got their rest after a very long day. But as soon as he went out to sit on the roof to stare at the sky, hoping to distract himself from his inner turmoil, he couldn't help but curl up into a ball. His hands underneath his arms while he pulled his knees up to his chest to gain some warmth. It wasn't particularly cold either. It was a summer's night. Nothing but a gentle breeze cooling the warm atmosphere after a hot day. But to Sonic, it felt like someone was holding ice cubes to his neck.

Speaking of which, he jumped where there was a sudden warm weight on his shoulders. Looking up, Shadow had joined him without his notice. He sat beside him, uninvited, and made sure the blanket was wrapped around him securely just the same. Not like Sonic was complaining, but a little warning would've been nice too.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so nice," Sonic said jokingly as he tried to keep his voice still. Even with the warmth of the blanket, it was hard to regain warmth.

The only response he got for that remark was a little huff with an eye roll, but nothing could've prepared Sonic for Shadow suddenly placing the back of his hand on his forehead. Ridding him silent but not for long as it was Shadow's turn to remark.

"I could fry an egg on your forehead." Sonic couldn't help but chuckle at that, "What the fuck are you doing on the roof with a high fever?"

"Couldn't sleep," he simply stated.

"Okayyyy? Stargazing isn't going to help you recover from incomplete treatment either."

This was when Sonic felt his small smile fade. How did he know about that?

"Did it ever occur to you that even in dim light, you look like you're about to drop dead?"

"...not really...?"

Another eye roll, but this time he didn't seem too annoyed. Instead, he suddenly seemed to soften up. As in, a few seconds earlier it seemed he wanted to smack him for being dumb. Now he still probably thought he was dumb but wasn't too quick to give him a back blow to his head. Mostly because that would probably worsen a possible headache.

"You already know me, Shadow. I don't... I prefer to take care of others than myself."

"Yeah and that results in... this. Look, everyone's fine... for now. At least until Silver wakes up. So you should be smart about this and at least shut your goddamn eyes."

"Ok! Jeez... I didn't know you were also my mom," Sonic grumbled.

He felt himself freeze when Shadow suddenly forced him down. With an arm wrapped around his head, keeping his face close to his chest and the blanket wrapped tightly around his shivering body. "...Shadow?"

Sonic the Hedgehog Mobius ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now