when will the sun hit my eyes

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Shadow breathed evenly as a gentle hand brushed through his quills. She hummed something familiar that he hadn't heard in a long time. Laying on a lap he hadn't felt in decades.

"It's not your fault, you know."

Her hand never faltered. His fur smoothed down as she ran over it.

He stayed quiet.

"It was my choice to save you. As it was your choice to help them."

He dug his face into the blue fabric that smelled like lavender. That felt like a baby blanket one would never let go of. Her warmth was unique, her aura engulfed him in a sense of safety only few could convey. 

"You're not alone anymore. You have your friends to rely on. I was a little worried your personality would clash with others but they've taken a liking to you anyway," she laughed softly.

"Just know that... you deserve to forgive yourself. Even if you don't feel that way."

Self forgiveness was the only thing he couldn't let himself have. No matter how hard he tried, no matter what anyone said, he couldn't accept it. If he forgave himself, it would be admitting that there was nothing he could've done to save his sister. That regardless of whether he was strong enough or smart enough, her death was completely unavoidable. Those government assholes would never be punished either in life or death for what they did and he would have to live without her for the rest of his life.

"Shadow? Would you look at me?"

It was such a gentle request that saying no would've felt like a crime.

He slowly picked himself up from her lap, resting on his own legs, as their eyes met. Blue skies. A comforting color unlike the icy ones he'd have the unfortunate displeasure to experience.

She looked tired. As if she hadn't really passed on like she was supposed to. As if waiting for him to let go. Bound to him, tied by the soul.

"My death is not something I want avenged," she said, taking his cheek in her palm. He felt tears sting his eyes. "Whatever you do, whether you're saving your friends from danger or simply living in peace, I'll be satisfied."

She wrapped her arms around his head, holding him there as his brain processed the hug. He carefully placed his hands on her back, not wanting to let go.

"I want you to live the life I couldn't."

"Maria..." he breathed, not wanting to let go. If he let go, she would disappear. He waned her to stay forever, like she was supposed to.

"I love you, Shadow. I always will."


He blinked awake in someone else's lap.

Tears rolled down the side of his face as he shifted in the different unique warmth coming from Sonic. He was asleep. And rightfully so as the armband continuously sedated him. Keeping him as tired as possible.

He wiped them away as he sat up to access their situation.

The lab was decently sized. The usual wide screen Eggman used for planning, locating, and controlling had activated its screensaver. It was the usual pretty colors flowing gracefully across the screen.

Just from the fact that nothing was operating and the sleeping robots he hadn't noticed earlier, it was most likely four in the morning.

He knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, even if that wasn't the best idea, so he opted to simply laying down again. Sonic had fallen asleep sitting, his neck must've hurt from how his head hung low. So there was a little voice inside of him wanting to push him down to cuddle. The lab was rather cold and the best way to conserve heat was by sticking together. It's not like they haven't done it before.

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