Authors note

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        So... I may have some explaining to do. Hehe. Okay first off, I've grown okay?! I'm more capable of writing with reason, logic, and my own creativity. As a 6th grader, yes I wrote this during 6th grade, I was very childish. Still am but that's besides the point.
        What I'm trying to say is, I could add another part, but I don't want to. One, because it's not my idea originally. It's not even a fanfic, I literally took the content out of the comic and wrote it down. Luckily, I claimed that it wasn't mine and to this day I have no idea who the artist is. Second, I kinda gave up on it. There. I procrastinated which is why I have bad... content. Whatever. I'll try harder.

      But anyways, If you want, you guys could go read some of my other things. Though they probably suck as well -_-'. I'll make better content, I swear. I just need help remembering. So you guys can literally bombard me with comments until I come back. But anyways, thanks for reading ( if you even did. If you did... I'm proud of you. You made it through a 6th graders cringey content) and have a good morning/afternoon/night.

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