The Hospital(Part 2)

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*COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* *GASP* *COUGH* *ack* *COUGH* *GASP* *COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* "SONIC" Amy yelled *COUGH* *COUGH* "Sonic, take it easy!" Tails said. * GASP* " Deep breathes " Amy told Sonic. *sigh* Sonic's pain and suffering calmed down and literally all hell broke loose. " Are you CRAZY. You are no where near well enough to leave!" Tails said/ yelled to Sonic. " But... I hate hospitals" Sonic confirmed. " NO BUTS MISTER YOU ARE HURT AND YOURE STAYING HERE WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" Amy yelled. " Fiiine" Sonic said finally. Just then there was a knock on the door. It was Knuckles. He came in a said" Hey Sonic. How's my best rival doin? " Sonic said dramatically " I've been better. What, no flowers? And I thought you loved me..." He put his hand on his chest and started to laugh. " Hi Knuckles " Amy said. Tails just gave all of them a really? face to them , but in a good way. " Heh, it's nice to know your sense of humor is still intact. " Knuckles said, Sonic just started to laugh. Ha you're right. Sure my lungs are poisoned. But i can still keep a smile. Sonic thought. But his joy soon ended with pain and misery in his chest. ~THROB~*COUGH* * COUGH* " Easy..." Tails said trying to calm him down. " Grrhhh..." Sonic grunted in pain. Knuckles had a confused face. He didn't know what to do or expect. Sonic gripped the green blanket" Sonic-" Amy said but was cut off by Sonic. " Aah! It HURTS!!! Rrrgghh..." "I know it hurts, Sonic, but you have to hold still. You'll make it worse." Amy said. Sonic was squirming in pain. He pretty much felt as if he were being stabbed repeatedly in the chest. "She's right Sonic, please try to calm down. " Tails said with worry.  onic closed his eyes and finally calmed down. Amy and Tails looked at Sonic with worry and sorrow. Toughen up Sonic... You're scaring them... Sonic told himself. " Are you okay?" Amy said. Sonic opened his eyes and smiled and said" Yeah... Don't worry Amy. " Amy smiled. Look at him. He's in a hospital bed, with a needle, a breathing mask and he's got poison in his lungs... And yet he still smiles. No matter in what situation... He'l smile no matter what. Just to show that he's alright. Amy thought. Tails felt a little tap tap on his shoulder. It was Knuckles. " Can I talk to you for a second" Tails nodded and they went out of the room. "Alright, let me hear it, how bad is he? And you better not sugar co--" Knuckles was cut off by Tails. He couldn't take it anymore. Sonic was in a bad condition and all he was doing was trying to act brave. But really... He felt as if the world was gonna end. " Coat it. Umm... Hey... Come on Tails is it really that bad?" Knuckles asked. " Uh- huh. The doctors don't even know if he's gonna make it for sure. "Tails said then he started crying and shaking. "Uh.. There, there kiddo, everything's gonna be alright. This is Sonic we're talking about after all. " Knuckles told Tails trying to comfort him. "I hope you're right Knuckles... I hope you right..." Tails said trying to calm down.

Back in the room where Sonic and Amy are...
Amy was sitting next to Sonic while Sonic, Well was on the bed. " Oh Sonic, I'm so scared. " Amy said. Sonic smiled again and said "Hey it's okay, I'll be back on my feet in no time" He said. But he felt weird for some reason. " Promise?" Amy asked. " I..." "...Sonic?" She saw his smile slowly disappear. "...I..." He whispered. " Sonic? Sonic, stay with me! Sonic!?! Stay awake! Please!" Amy yelled. *huff *wheeze. Tails and Knuckles heard noise and came rushing in. " What is it? What's wrong?" Tails asked. "I- I don't know. He just passed out and now he won't wake up!" Amy explained. Tails saw what he was doing. " He's hyperventilating!! I'll get the nurse!" Tails said as he used his tails to make him run faster. "Come on, Sonic. You can fight this!" Knuckles said with hope and fear for Sonic. Sonic had his hand over his chest breathing rapidly and loosing oxygen. " Wake up. Please!" Amy cried. BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP
Sonic's heart beat was increasing as well. "SONIC!!!!" Amy cried.

"Yes! With Sonic out of the way my plans can FINALLY succeed!" Dr. Eggman said with an evil grin. His plan to poison and almost kill Sonic had been successful. How did he do it. Well simple... He tracked down where Sonic was and sent one robot that targeted only Sonic. "But Dr. Eggman, what if Sonic manages to recover?" Decoe asked. "... PEH it won't matter. The robot may have failed to kill Sonic, but by the time that hedgehog is ready to fight... It will be far to late. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Dr. Eggman said. "But to be safe, let's send Sonic a little ' get well' present, shall we?" He said with a mischievous grin. ( oh great now everyone has another reason why to hate Eggman so much)

Back in the hospital...
"The doctor said he's stable now. "Knuckles said. Amy sighed and Tails said "Good." And then Eggmans 'get well' present arrived. It was another robot. But this one was twice as bigger than the last that landed Sonic in the hospital. It was the shape of a huge bird thing and it made a sound like this... KRAAAAAIIIIIIII
As the robot bird landed, the ground shook and began walking towards its target. Sonic. This time Eggman wanted the injured hero.... DEAD. The ground shaking was so strong, it greater huge cracks on the concrete and sidewalk. "The hell?!" Knuckles yelled. "EEE!" Amy squealed. "What was that?" Knuckles said as he ran towards the window to see what had happened. When Knuckles saw the robot and the robot saw him.... Knuckles was like"Great. JUST GREAT!!"

Then it started coming closer. ROOOAAAAR
"GET DOWN!!" Knuckles finally yelled. "Gasp" was all Amy kind of said. The huge robot used its tail to break into the hospital. It made a huge hole in the wall and where the window USED to be. Pieces of the wall and glass were flying everywhere. Knuckles managed to block the huge metal tail from hitting Sonic and said "Nope! I don't think so!"

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