A Realization

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(This is supposed to follow the last chapter, Hospital Part 2)

The ground shook as the giant metal bird whipped its tail into the building, shattering any glass and crumbling the concrete in its way. Amy could hear patients and doctors screaming alike from the fear of the monstrosity that really shouldn't exist. Nobody but the three of them really knew what was happening. Most, as you would humanly do, called emergency services. Those who were more of the higher-ups called stronger forces to interfere with this bizarre situation which, no matter how you looked at it, was something all too common for this city. It was like something you would expect but didn't want.

While Knuckles fought the thing off, for the time being, Sonic's doctor along with her nurse assistant ran into the room without showing any signs that there was a metal boss fight just outside. It was a simple matter of getting the patient out of more danger than he was already in.
Tails took the liberty to help them, having sickening paranoia that something bad would happen to his close friend, while Amy ran to fight along with Knuckles.

As she swiftly made it from the cleanish bio-based flooring to the black concrete riddled with machine and building debris, Amy pulled her hammer out of thin air, creating the illusion of little stars surrounding it. Only to dissipate after a few seconds.
The metal dented underneath the weight and force of her weapon, sending vibrations to her hands that gave her more energy to kill. There was nothing that was stopping her at this point. Her Sonic had been stabbed and poisoned, now being at the brink of death because of a delusional scientist whose motives were still unclear to her. Was a theme park that he wanted? Or to destroy the moon-- whatever the reason may be, he had no business doing any of this.

What is he even going with this?! Both fighters shared the thought, although they probably didn't know it.

Each of them fought blow after blow without stopping. Sonic would usually finish these types of enemies in a few minutes or less. But that didn't stop the duo for a second. This thing was going down whether Robotnik liked it or not.

"Knuckles?" Amy yelled across the field as she crushed the eye of the robot with the end of her hammer.

"Yeah?!" He'd rammed his fist halfway into its back when he heard the pink hedgehog call out to him.

"Doesn't this feel strange?" They both ended the badnik after a shared, final blow, to its head. The light faded from its eyes, almost as if they'd broken the power source.

"What do you mean?"

"Eggman wouldn't just send one robot after us. He'd usually send at least a whole fleet or even himself," she watched as Knuckles walked over to the dead beast, listening to her, but obviously intrigued with something he'd spotted. It glistened in the dim light coming from the cloudy skies and grabbed at it, yanking it out of the metal bird. He opened his hand to reveal a timer in the shape of a regular clock. Whatever the timer was set to before this happened was beyond him, what was important was that it was going backwards. Meaning whatever it was supposed to time, was running out of it.
"What's that?" Amy asked walking over. Knuckles simply turned to her to show the tiny thing in the middle of his enormous palm, and watched her expression slowly change from confusion to sheer terror.

"Knuckles, do you know what this means?!" She said as her quills stood on end.

The red echidna having almost no brain cells couldn't quite connect the dots until Amy spelled it out for him.

"Sonic doesn't have much time left— he's going to die in less than few hours and we still have no clue on what the venom even is!" Tears were streaming down her face as she yelled this information out. No way he was going to die. Eggman had never done such a thing before— why start now?! He'd never had the intentions of ever killing him in the past, where did this come from? Was he really this evil?
Amy couldn't help but collapse at the thought of Sonic dying. The thought of never being able to talk to him anymore made her shake and hyperventilate, it was so much to take in at once, she wasn't sure how she would manage if he really did die.

...that's right... if he died.

She went still for a moment, scaring Knuckles half to death since he thought that she died or something. Then she wiped away her tears and swallowed her anxiety. Standing up with a puffy yet determined face, she declared loudly, "There's still time. Come on, let's go get some help."

With that, she walked off with Knuckles following closely behind.

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