The Incident

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Sonic's P. O. V.
So since I agreed to go, we obviously we had to get there some how. So we rode a car. DUH what did you expect!? So we got there and I kid you not, Amy , the instant she got in the mall she dragged both Tails and I to the girls section. Chaos, I wanted to run. But I couldn't since I swore to protect them.

20 minutes later

" Women" Tails and I said in harmony. How did I get myself roped up into this? I thought. " Hey guys thanks for carrying out stuff. I'll get you guys some good alright?" She said. " Thanks you " both of us said. Again in harmony. So we sat down at a table near the windows and put all the stuff down. Amy and Cream went to order the food, when I felt something. It was that bad feeling, but it got... Stronger?!?! I was worried and I didn't know what was gonna happen. But I quickly put that aside when Amy and Cream came back with the food. But I couldn't even enjoy my lunch without thinking of that.

End of P. O. V
CLANK. CLANK. VROOM. TARGET LOCATED... Dr. Eggman ( obviously ) sent a badnik to attack Sonic and the others. But the only strange thing was that.... He only sent one.

Sonic's P. O. V again
We were eating our lunch when I heard something. Besides the sound of us eating. It sounded like clanks and a robot looking for its target. Wait... Then I heard a huge claw coming towards us. My ear twitched instantly. " LOOK OUT!!" I grabbed Amy and Tails got the message and grabbed Cream. Then literally a second later we heard the window crash because of the claw that tried to attack us. Amy and I were on the floor. I knelt down beside her and asked " Amy are you-- AAAAAAAHHH!" The robot, that was trying to kill us wasn't aiming for anyone else. It was meant for me... Ha I learned that by the hard way. One of its claws were jabbed into my right arm. It hurt a lot. Ok so you know how at least once in your life you might get poked or stabbed with a pencil right? Ok now imagine that pain but ten times bigger and twenty times harder. Yeah. " SONIC!!" Amy yelled. " Heh is that all you got Eggman??" Ok being stabbed hurt but taking it out was even worse. I took it out and started spinning it over my head with my left arm, since my right arm had just been stabbed and I could barely move it without getting any pain.

" MY TURN!" I yelled. Then I threw the claw at the robot and it hit with klank. The robot just stared at it with confusion. Just a blank face. SHOOOOOOOOM I spin dashed into the robot and it exploded into a bunch of little pieces and how did I know? Because I saw the explosion while unrolling and I saw a bunch of metal parts flying everywhere. Also it started to rain so THATS GREAT( can you tell I'm being sarcastic? You? GOOD! ) " That was IT!? Where's Eggman!!? Talk about weak,..nngh..."

" SONIC!" Amy screamed. Tails and Cream flied over to Sonic and Amy. " Are you-- " Sonic cut Amy off before she could say anything else" I'm fine Amy." He said, not even looking at Amy. He knew if he did look at her, he would see the worry on her face. He really didn't like to worry anyone actually. Sonic was covering his arm to try and stop the blood and to cover up the huge slit. "Alright Sonic, are you gonna let me see it or will we have to look at it the hard way?" Tails said. "Fiiiiine." He said. "Ooh that's gonna need stitches." Tails confirmed. "No way!" Sonic said( I mean no one wants stitches). Tails was starting to inspect the slit when Cream said" Mr. Sonic your arm is shaking. "   " I know." He said.

" I wonder why Eggman only would send one badnik and... Nothing else!" Tails exclaimed. "To let us know he's alive... And I was right about him being up to no good." Sonic said, he was feeling weaker by the second but he didn't want anyone to worry anymore. While Tails kept looking for anything else, Amy came and said with an angry/ worried tone" That's the bad feeling you had? Why didn't you tell me?"  " Amy... I am ... In no mood of... talking " Sonic said, he wasn't yelling or anything at all... He was struggling to keep his eyes open and he knew something was up. Amy saw that but didn't think much about it.

But while they were talking, Tails discovered something horrible. He's ears perked back and yelled" CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!" Tails was holding Sonic and he was struggling to stand up. He felt extremely weak, which was not normal. "What's wrong? I thought the bleeding stopped..." She said. Struggling even more Sonic said weakly" I'm f~ fine"  Tails yelled " JUST DO IT! HES BEEN POISONED!" Amy started calling 911 when Sonic started to fall on his knees.

"Uugghh..." " Sonic!?!" He was in pain. He felt weak and cold. The rain didn't help and his body couldn't take it. Usually he would just brush off an injury, but know? "Sonic HOLD ON!!" Amy yelled. " Nnnngghh" he was shaking and crying a bit. " Hello? 911? " Amy called in the phone. " haaa" Sonic was running out of breath. "Sonic talk to me bro!" Tails said.          "Hah, hah... I can't ... I c~ can't breath" he managed to say. That poison had no mercy. He fell on his side felling weak as heck. "What-- Sonic!! Come on, fight it!!" Tails cried. " I'm trying..." Sonic managed to whisper. " Okay please hurry! The ambulance is on its way! Please stay with us Sonic!!" Amy said.

Can.. You hear.. Me...
Don't do this!

But slowly but surely, his eyes were slowly closing, and all he heard, were faint whispers until everything went dark.

Mkay so ya I know it long. But you love it and I bet the feels kicked you in the stomach real hard, didn't they? Trust me  when I saw the comic, I wanted to cry and had feels. HA you should see the comics. Oh wait... You will. CYA

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