The Hospital(Part 1)

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Tails P. O. V.
"Gasp! The ambulance is here!" I yelled. Then I heard people yelling " There he is! Get the medical bed fast! He's been poisoned! " Just then like a flash, they put him on the bed and put a breathing mask on him. We couldn't go with him since it was a major emergency. So we had to use the car. Obviously.

10 minutes later
We got to the hospital and rushed in. " Excuse me , what room is Sonic T. Hedgehog at?" Amy said terrified but still politely. The nurse said " At room 211 sweetie" " thank you!" We said. We ran up the stairs ( well me and Cream flew up carrying Amy). We found the room, as the doctor came out. " Is he okay?" I said. " oh you must be Tails, Amy and Cream right?" "Yeah!" We all said. " I'm Dr. Alphas. " he said. Than explained to us what Sonic had. We were shocked and mostly scared.

"So can we see him?" Amy asked. " "Ah yes. " he said, he left and I opened the door. We were terrified at what we saw. Sonic was on the bed with a breathing mask on, a needle inside of him and bandages were wrapped around his arm. His heart beat was beating at a normal rate thank God I thought. Amy started to tear up while Cream was crying and hugging her. Sonic, the strongest person I know is now weak and vulnerable.
30 minutes later

Sonic's P. O. V.
Open your eyes...
Amy I'm scared...
It'll be alright Cream...
Don't ... Please... Don't...
Sonic... Please... Don't
Don't you dare so this to us Sonic the hedgehog!
It's okay everything -- be alright.

" mmm... Huh? Aughh. " My mind was blank. I had no idea why happened. Where... " Sonic!" " A- Amy ?" " Sonic, your awake!" " Tails" I said." It's good to have you back Sonic!" Amy said to me. " W- what happened, why am I in the hospital?" I asked. All I remember was that... I was in a whole lot of pain and that I fought one of Eggmans robot then blacked out. " You remember the robot, right? "Tails asked. " Yeah..." "Well... it poisoned you, when you were stabbed in the arm." He said. Hm, that's probably why I felt so weak and  unable to breath. " The poison attacked your lungs and did some damage before the doctors managed to give you the antidote." Amy explained. Well. Today has been a great day hasn't it. First I get the bad feeling, then I get stabbed in the arm, and to top it off, I'm in the hospital. I hate hospitals. So many people come in and only few come out." You...almost died Sonic..." Tails said."Well I'm fine now(I said while trying to sit up) I want to get out of here!" I said. " Oh, Sonic , No!" Amy said.Get out of here and kick Eggman's... Just then I felt as if my lungs were just stabbed.

End of P.O.V

Ok first of all yeah i know that its kind of short but the whole thing is pretty long so i put it in another chapter because it is long... OK BYE

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