imagine.... dragons

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"How's Sonic?" Amy asked as she placed a bowl into the sink. She noticed that Shadow took a while in their room so she assumed he wasn't doing his best.

"He's...." Shadow began as he remembered struggling to climb up the little makeshift ladders, slipping twice, and ending up throwing him on the top bunk because he gave him trying to do it civilly which he sort of regretted when he heard some part of Sonic (hopefully not his head) make a loud bonk against the bedframe, "...fine :)."

"That's good. Tails just left to his workshop and Silver's watching tv since he's not allowed to move."


They stared at each other for a few seconds, which felt like an obscene amount of time,

"You're gonna try and get it out of him, aren't you?"

"Don't even try and stop me," he said already halfway out the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes and went to dry her hands. What else was she gonna do... interfere?

Shadow slid into the living room without a second thought and sat right next to the... well, next to the silver hedgehog. Normally the kid wouldn't even be here and if he was, he would be outside in the garden tending to the plants. Since during his time, before Sonic and him had anything to say about it, everything was on fire. So the mental whiplash he received from going from an actual hell to vast greenery and life was an experience.
Of course now that he couldn't move, all there was to do was watch television. Which was obviously set on the nature documentary channel. Same old Silver.

Except Shadow hadn't even muttered a word before Silver said, "I'll talk as long as you promise to stop calling me a twink."

The sudden condition almost made Shadow choke on his spit. It was fair but very random and that almost made him slip.

"Fine!" He finally said after trying his hardest to contain his laughter, "but you better give me every little detail. We've already gone through enough shit because of lack of information."

And with that, Silver began telling about his journey.

Silver the Hedgehog, as everyone knows, is a time traveling hero. The hero part was still debatable in his opinion but that was what he was deemed as. However, what most people didn't know was that he was also a dimension hopper. It being in the name, during his free time Silver would go from one dimension to another, writing down any and all information he thought was important. Whether it be the key or subtle differences between each dimension, or simply how drastically different it was to his own.
Now the one he visited often was the one mentioned earlier. Everything crucial was the same except smaller things like big companies and different vines. It was obvious why he visited, but if it wasn't, it was to observe what could happen in their own world.

Nobius, as he called it, was ahead at least a week from Mobius. Which was perfect for whenever he wanted to check what would happen in a week without having to mess with the future entirely.
That being said, that particular time he hopped into Nobius, he hadn't visited in over a little while. So it came to his surprise that there was suddenly news about some sort of virus that was killing everything.

Biochemists as well as Virologists would be interviewed at least three times a day. Would this virus kill civilians, how fast was it spreading, where did it start? Every question was answered haphazardly or not at all. No one truly knew the origins nor a way to stop it. The only thing they knew was that it was getting stronger.
This was entirely different to the Zombie Virus. This virus was becoming stronger the more it consumed. It wasn't just killing the environment for funsies. Because of the lack of trees, plants, and even plankton, the tides were shifting drastically. The ground underneath them was diminishing with the lack of roots and nutrients. Even the concrete that one would think would stay unaffected, collapsed from the lack of support.

Sonic the Hedgehog Mobius ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now