The Feeling

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Sonics P. O. V
It was bright and sunny. A bit windy but still warm. That's how the day started. I was on the roof taking a nap. As usual. Anyways, I was awoken by a small leaf that blew by my nose. It made me sneeze which woke me up. " Hmm..." I thought. BOOM. " Did you hear that? It sounded like a sonic boom. " said Creams in the house with Amy. " Yeah I think Sonics awake. Haha".
I jumped off the roof and sonic boomed to a mountain cliff. I was thinking. And thinking hard. I had a bad feeling about something, but I couldn't figure out what it was. Ya know when you need to sneeze but it doesn't come out. That's what it felt like. But mentally, not physically.

I thought somethings not right then I sped off  to Tails workshop Come to think about it, I haven't seen egg man in a while, he must be planning something big or maybe he finally quit being a villain and became an orthodontist like he said. Nah I'm not that lucky. When I finally got to Tails workshop I saw him building something. It was part of the X Tornado that he was fixing.

" Hi Tails!" I said happily( idk what I'm writing just go with it) " Don't do that. Don't come up to me like that while I'm working, you know that!" Tails said while his protective glasses were dangling on the side of his head .( I don't know what they're called just deal with it ) " Well I just wanted to say good morning to my lil bro." And yeah it was true. Well part of it. " Good afternoon" He said sowing me the time on his hologram clock with a face saying really bruh . It was 1:01 pm." Oh. " I said. "Over slept again huh?" He said. " Yes and what do you mean again?" I asked. " Don't play dummy with me you always over sleep when you do an all nighter." He said. " But I didn't this time! I just felt really tired for some reason." I said. " Oh ok. So what do you want today?" He asked looking at me with eyes of just plain boredom.

"Oh I don't know maybe we could..." Then in a blink of an eye I grabbed Tails arm and ran really fast, but at an okay speed for Tails ( cuz I don't want to rip his arm off ) " WAAAH! Sonic what are you doing??" He screamed. " We haven't done this in a while, haven't we little bro?" I said. " Hehe WOOOHOOO YEAH " he screamed, again. " You ready to go faster buddy?" I asked. " YEAH" he said. BOOM!

End of P. O. V

They got to Amy's house in about 5 seconds. Sonic stopped and Tails went flying over him and hit the ground with a thud. " awesome " Said Tails. " Oh Mr. Tails, are you okay?"Cream said ( she has this habit of saying mr. Or ms. To anyone )  " yeah I'm fine, just a little dizzy hehe" he said. Alright, I've got everyone together, except Knuckles he went off some where, at least I can keep an eye on them.... For now. I wonder why I've got such a bad feeling anyways?

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