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"Sonic!" Was the last thing he heard when the world vanished. He wasn't too sure how long it had been, since the concept of time didn't exactly exist within the darkness he was laying in, but it couldn't have been more than a few hours. If he really wanted to know, his watch was always available. But the thought of it dying was much more prominent, as it was the only thing that could let the others know of his whereabouts.

He was definitely gonna hear it from Amy when she gets than chance. Actually, he was most likely gonna hear it from everyone, since no one liked it when he played the self sacrificial hero. Especially when there were better routes to take.
Oh well, it's not like he always pulled these little stunts. In fact, the only time he'd ever sacrifice himself, it was because there were no more options left.

One of two things could've happened when he was captured. He could've immediately been killed either via crushing or explosion (or really whatever Eggman felt like was good enough). Or, he would be traveling in annoying silence in a cramped test tube. Whatever he got, he sure as hell wished he had a window. At least then he could have some light in the damn thing.

We're getting off topic. At this point he was simply inner monologuing since there was genuinely nothing else to do what wait.

Thankfully, because anymore time in there would've just been offensive, he felt the shuttle come to a stop.
Ok that's a bit undermining. It felt as if he was the liquid inside of a coke can that was being kicked around by a bunch of high schoolers hoping the thing would explode. Very much loud and painful, Sonic swore he ruptured his ear drums and broke his spine just from the landing.

Just when as he let out a pained groan, the shuttled opened. Revealing to what seemed the insides of Eggman's computer room. He'd become much too familiar with the place, having destroyed it a bunch of times, but he wasn't keen on moving just yet. Eggman was nowhere to be found.

"Boss! He's here!" A low nasally voice yelled. Looking into the shuttle, Sonic was surprised to see a familiar robot face.


"Oh jeez... we got the wrong one."

This was gonna be fun.


Silence was something Shadow usually enjoyed. It was one of the things that felt oddly comforting, having been alone for so long, along with the fifty year coma, silence has come a long way for him.
Of course there were times where he preferred noise. Anything that was present and grounding. Silence was great when he wanted to be with his thoughts alone. Revisiting good memories over and over to ensure that if he ever forgot them again, his heart would know. Instinct would overtake his amnesiac mind and he'd know who to trust. But too much silence, especially after what happened, quickly tipped him over the edge.

Noise blocked him from his own heartbeat, his own ragged breathing, his incomprehensible thoughts that spoke in jagged whispers. The way his leg shook uncontrollably as a means of blowing off steam. A dry mouth to top it all off.

He tensed at the first sign of contact on his shoulder. It wasn't like he hated touch, but it did startle him.

"You okay?" Knuckles asked, leaning just a bit towards his face.

Shadow swallowed. Talking shouldn't be this hard.

"You don't have to answer," he sighed sitting beside him. "It's not the first Sonic's been kidnapped... but it's not like any of us are used to it either."

Alright. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

"When did you even get here? Didn't you disappear this morning?" Shadow asked quietly.

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