get rotated idiot

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Everyone had settled down in Tails' basement, knowing well staying above made them an easy target.

There was an awkward silence between the five of them. Despite there being much to talk about, it seemed like suddenly every topic was avoidable.

Amy, however, was tired of the bullshit and decided to get straight to the point. 

"We know how to get Sonic out of Fleetway," she said, eyeing Tails, who actively avoided her glare. "Someone's just gonna have to take one for the team."

"How so?" Shadow asked, still holding Sonic's hand.

"One of us has to attempt to hurt ourselves. It'll shock him out of it trying to save us," she explained rather calmly. Which Shadow found strange since she was never this calm about such an absurd idea as this.

Regardless, Shadow wasn't going yo question it.

"Tails, hand me that hammer." To which Tails swiftly tossed him the hammer.

Shadow caught it, reeling his arm back to swing it on his arm when Sonic stopped him as expected.

Except, he was still Fleetway.

"Why didn't it work?" Shadow said blankly.

"It should've worked," Tails said softly, flying over, just as surprised as everyone else.

Cupping Sonic's muzzle, he repeated, "Why didn't it work?"

"Let me try something," Silver suddenly said. Parting his way to Sonic, requiring some space.

The rest watched as Silver focused on Sonic's eyes. His ears flicking in a particular way as he pressed his lips together. Concentrating on something they couldn't see. Or rather, something they couldn't hear.

Their faces perked up when Sonic's ears suddenly mimicked Silver's movements. Going back and forth for a moment before Sonic suddenly opened his mouth.

"N O T  S A F E." He whispered. Although, you could barely call it a whisper when his voice reverberated within the basement. The vibrations causing everything in the room to tremble. Including his friends, who felt their fur stand on end.

"That's not creepy at all," Amy blinked.

"What did you do?" Shadow asked, also a little creeped out.

Without tearing his gaze away from Sonic, Silver simply replied, "I asked him why he wouldn't detransform."

"He's probably referring to Dr. Balan," Shadow answered with a disgruntled look.

"Who the fuck is that?" Amy raised a brow.

Shadow swallowed hard, averting his eyes as he said, "She's a variant of Dr. Eggman."

Tails groaned into his hands, "Why couldn't he just take a vacation."

"By the way," Amy started, pointing to Shadow's torso. "What's this?"

As Shadow went to answer with an almost frightened look on his face, everything around them suddenly started rumbling.

They all looked around as suddenly the whole house was being ripped away from the ground, flooring and all.

Silver had instinctually created a barrier around them as Tails practically cried as he had just paid his utilities off.

Shadow's fur stood on end as a high pitched laugh echoed towards them. He looked up to see none other than Balan, inside of her own egg mobile.

"Didn't think I'd find you, did you?" She called out.

"Oh God, her voice is irritating," Silver cringed. Who then immediately yelled out in panic as Sonic somehow zipped out of his barrier. Crashing his body into the side of her ride. Knocking her out of view.

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