youre girly pop 💅🍭

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Sonic woke up feeling like shit. There was no better way to put it. He was tired. Like he has taken a nap to feel better only to wake up feeling worse. Admittedly he'd been feeling like this for quite a while but he was never one to admit anyways so it didn't really matter. All he knew was that he was supposed to be the one to protect everyone from Eggman and his debaucherys and right now he was physically unable to do so.

Anytime his heart rhythm spiked even a tiny bit he'd be injected with sedatives. Didn't matter if it wasn't on his own accord or if he was experiencing unwanted mental attacks, he'd be sedated immediately and that was it. One thing he did notice that was off was his wristwatch or lack thereof. At some point it had been taken from him and even if he didn't know when it was obviously while he had been konked out.

It felt like days when in reality it was probably only a few hours. Thanks to his adhd ridden brain, any time spent staying still or stuck in a small space made him want to combust right there. He had tried to take off the armband a while ago, it wasn't coming off without a key if some kind or a chainsaw, because he was getting desperate.

To think that this is nothing compared to what Silver could've been going through. Eggman clearly said he wasn't supposed to be the one here, in fact he was supposed to be dead. But out of pure spite he wasn't.

Just what was this guy planning?

"Orbot, Cubot."

"Yes sir," they both called back. One being more calm about it than the other.

"I want you to watch over this rat-"

"Heyy..." Sonic whined.

"-while I'm gone. I'm meeting with someone and I don't want to be disturbed." The automatic door smooshed behind him as he left. Leaving the room uncomfortably quiet.

Sonic eyed the two robots with squinted eyes, making them nervous under his stare.

"Do you guys wanna play 20 questions?"

"Ooh, me first!" Cubot volunteered happily.


"We're here," Tails said.

It was dawn and it had been a few hours since they woke up, prepared themselves for a fight, ate (otherwise they'd collapse), and made their way to where the tracker led them. One of them had to stay behind because of a certain big ass emerald he had to take care of (Rogue had given up halfway through and begged him to come back. She was in desperate need of her Egyptian cotton bed).

Usually Shadow would've simply teleported to the place without second thought. Any other time he would've gone the extra mile to find Sonic a day before everyone else. But this time felt different, for whatever reason. It felt like he should really stick with someone else.

"It says they're just under this abandoned railway system," Tails informed.

"Here?" Amy asked confused.

Tails shrugged.

"That's a little out of character for him, don't you think?"

"It doesn't matter if he's in or out of character, if the tracker says he's there, we go and find him," Shadow snapped back slightly annoyed.

"Alright, alright," she rolled her eyes. "Let's go find your boyfriend."

Shadow squealed in slack jawed disbelief. She had hoped off the plane before he could try anything but he was already considering murder.

He snapped back at Tails, who quickly averted his gaze somewhere else, pretending to be interested with the clouds.

He grumbled embarrassingly as he followed suit and landed beside Amy, who was horrible at hiding her smirk, if she even was trying.

Sonic the Hedgehog Mobius ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now