Chapter 27

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Her own heavy panting was all that Kuvira could hear as her mind blocked out all sounds that surrounded her. In the distance was the faint sound of the giant mecha's twisting metal limbs and its stomps. It was accompanied by a symphony of bending sounds: crumbling earth, blazing fires and sleek slashing metal sounds. She was running as fast as she could, almost lost at first, being unfamiliar with Republic City's streets. She tried to get away as far as she could to avoid the impending repercussions. Eventually, she recognised where she was and made her way in the direction of the Four Elements hotel.

"You-... You- uh," Akemi panted as she ran alongside Korra, "You wouldn't happen to know how to use seismic sense by any chance, would you, Avatar?"

Korra looked at her a little disappointed while a scenery of smoke and a knot of brawling benders framed her figure. "Unfortunately I don't. We'll just have to use our instincts here to find her. You take the next left, I'll go right and try to get on top of the buildings to spot her from above."

The young firebender nodded, and instantly lit up a massive ring of fire vertically, to surround her and help propel her forward; kind of like a fire scooter.

Asami's heart was about to burst out of her chest. She was incredibly nervous about whether or not they'd even be able to stick a landing on the mecha's platinum shell.

Team Avatar relentlessly tried to make their way to the top of the mecha, where Akemi had created a hole for them in the glass, though Ran consistently swatting them away made it extremely dangerous. The hummingbirds plan had to work.

"Asami, ready? Head to the left thigh." Hiroshi's voice echoed from inside the hummingbird suit he shared with his daughter.

"On it." She replied. She took in a deep breath to soothe her shaking hands. Her determined frown was enough to fool anyone into how confident she felt in that moment, though the reality was that she was quite doubtful.

The father-daughter duo buzzed towards the thigh and secured the hummingbird's metal claws onto it as Hiroshi began cutting through the platinum.

"Ran, hold on!! I think they're trying to cut through the metal!!" One of Ran's co-operators alerted him.

Grunting, he responded, "FUCK. WE NEED MORE POWER!!... I think this is the thigh sph-"

WHAM. One of the mecha's arms rammed into one of the tall buildings beside it, causing it to topple over and crumble.

Lin noticed that her nephews Wing and Wei were swinging on metal whips right where the building began to fall. The spirit cannon immediately blared in their direction, causing them to fall alongside the crumbling building. The Chief of Police thrusted herself forward using some bricks from the building she was scaling, and grabbed both boys to their safety. Suyin quickly followed suit and created a solid earth tent to shield them all from the collapsing building.

Ran continued to move the mecha's arms haphazardly, much like a flailing koi fish.

"ZHU LI! Move to that spot on my back that I can never reach!!!" Varrick instructed his fiancee who was piloting the hummingbird suit they shared.

"Got it!!" She replied, securing the hummingbird's claws onto the upper half of the giant mecha's back. Not before long, an enormous palm began approaching them from behind and the pair had to buzz off once again.



"Hey, hey, we're engaged now! Call me VARRICK!!"

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