Filthy Smutty Sideplot 4/4

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Please make sure you read Filthy Smutty Sideplots 1 -3 before this!!

Note, there's a load of smut obvs and consensual bdsm. Artwork to accompany the story to come soon...

Part VI

"AAAUUGMMGMFFF!!..." Kuvira released a muffled howl.

"AAAFHFHMMFFF..." She cried again, easing into it, as Akemi continued to rhythmically cane Kuvira's thighs, alternating between them by performing a sweeping figure-of-eight motion. The firebender's heart pounded as she watched her lover's skin redden with lines of impact.

After performing the last blow, Akemi let Kuvira breathe - or, rather, pant - for a moment. She poked the cane across the opening between her spread thighs, and lifted her chin up slightly with the tip of it.

"All good, my baby?" She smirked while keeping her foot firmly in place on top of her girlfriend's clit.

Kuvira nodded as she rolled her heavy-lidded eyes and dripped with sweat.

As she pulled the cane back, Akemi's eyes trailed along Kuvira's body, drinking up the sight of her being flushed and tense.

"You've been so, so... Obedient..." She said as she bit the swell of her lip... She just had an idea.

She tossed the cane to the side, making it roll across the floor and clank against the metal flooring and furniture.

"WHO'S THERE?" Bataar exclaimed, a little louder this time, swivelling his head around, almost dropping the photo frame that was in his hands, "I-I... I'm WARNING you..."

He paused briefly, waiting in case he'd hear another sound. Standing there like a statue, he listened carefully... He wasn't going crazy... He believed he'd been acting overly paranoid for the past twenty minutes, and so he tried to ignore whatever he thought he was imagining.

Bataar had been roaming the Beifong Estate for the past hour and a half; only in the past forty-five minutes or so, when he moved from his old workshop and into the main building, did he begin to hear strange noises. He could have sworn that he heard a ghost shriek down the hallway when he was walking to his old bedroom... And he could have sworn that he just heard the same noise, albeit faintly, as well as the sound of something falling or breaking.

"Sh-shit..." He cowered, placing the photo of him and his family back on the shelf. Picking up a hardcover book and a fire-pit poker from beside the library's fireplace for protection, he carefully marched outside the large reading room and began to tiptoe down the hallway.

"FF-F-U-U-UUUFFFFMM..." Kuvira gasped and gagged, a tear streaking down the side of her face.

Akemi carefully watched her for any signals as she fucked her with her heel while pulling on her leash.

The firebender was supporting herself by holding onto Kuvira's bent legs as her heel carefully penetrated her girlfriend's anus. The sole of the heeled shoe remained almost painfully pressed on her clit, as two inches of the shoe's heel was repeatedly angled into her.

Kuvira groaned and began to shake, absolutely loving the harsh feeling.

"Ooooh how I love stepping on you, Dissenter Kuvira..." Akemi laughed blissfully, pulling at her submissive like a token pet.

"MMMmmmmmm..." Kuvira sighed as her heart pounded, feeling like she could cum for the eighth time or so that day.

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