Chapter 3

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"Kuvira, what the fuck? Am I not important around here, anymore? Am I not your fiance, at least?" Bataar was fuming that he wasn't in the room with Kuvira during Akemi's invitation to the 'inner circle'.

"It's not a big deal, Bataar. Why do you even care so much? It was literally just me telling her to join us."
"You held this stupid 'meeting'," he started, his fingers making air quotes, "with no one else in the room. How is that official?"

Kuvira pushed up from the edge of the table where she was seated and looked him straight in the eye.

"I am the Great Uniter. I run this train. You serve me. You're my fiance, sure, but when we're talking about work, you KNOW that you work for me. Like everybody else on this train and in the entire Earth Empire now."

Flustered, Bataar scrunched his face in disapproval.

"Why are you so offended? As the Great Uniter, I need close backup. You're not even a bender, Bataar. You're great at what you do, and you're my partner, sure. Akemi has got serious skills in both what you already do and things you could never possibly achieve as a non-bender. She's got skills and a knack for things that I don't even have. No one else on this train does. Not Varrick, not Ikuyo, not Bolin and not yourself. Get over yourself. She's my assistant and my personal guard, and that is it, that is that," she softened as she said her last phrase, "... Please, don't bring this up again."

"Kuvira, it's weird. She literally joined barely two months ago," he took a deep sigh as Kuvira kept staring at him with a frown, "But she is the most impressive person beneath us on this team, so fine. It's alright."

"Beneath me, you mean. Don't flatter yourself too much just yet. I appreciate your... Understanding, Bataar. But don't interfere in my perso-" she shut her eyes, "professional decisions again."

Bataar was yet to be convinced. He'd noticed the way Kuvira lightened her mood ever since Akemi was recruited. She was scouted, for fuck's sake. Why is she so fucking good at everything she does. He knew he was ever so... Slightly... jealous.

"What if she's distracting you?" he threw his question at Kuvira.

"Excuse me? How in the SPIRITS is she distracting me? We've made the largest exponential improvement in every single sector since she joined, thanks to her contributions. Just drop it, Bataar, you're being too dramatic. I saw you hovering outside my office, and I see how you chase after her to shut her up. She's doing her job and she's doing it brilliantly. Leave her alone," she austerely spoke, "now leave ME alone."

Bataar widened his eyes, almost in disbelief at how defensive Kuvira was being. He tried to speak, but had nothing to say. He swivelled around on his heel and stomped out the room.

"MOVE!" Kuvira heard him screech as his stomps faded away. A few seconds later, she saw a distraught Bolin wobble backwards to the other side of the train. "Bolin!" she called out.

"Yes, Kuvira!" he somewhat whimpered from outside.

"Please close my door," she asked calmly. She couldn't discern a 'yes' from the sound of the creaking heavy door.

She sighed and turned to her metal map of the Earth Kingdom - soon to be Empire.

"For fuck's sake," she grunted a few moments later, "why are there no windows in here." She wanted to tell the time by looking at whether the sun had set or not, but instead reverted back to the standard wall clock. It was 8:10pm. Most shifts were over, though hers was never-ending. As leader of this entire cause, or essentially mission, she could only afford to truly rest when she slept. Oh! I have a new personal assistant... Looks like a good time to make use of her.

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