Chapter 34

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"Excuse me, Tenzin. Varrick is looking for you." Asami alerted the master airbender as she approached him and Korra, who were standing on a platform that had a breathtaking view of the new spirit portal, "... Something about wanting to borrow a glider suit to fly off the tower...?"

A startled Tenzin instantly tensed up, and responded with alarm as he began to jog away from the young ladies, "That doesn't sound like a good idea!!"

Korra smiled as she watched her airbending master run off in amusing haste, and she took the opportunity to spend some time alone with Asami. They'd just spent the past three hours celebrating Varrick and Zhu Li's wedding which was great fun, but they both had this unspoken want to talk to each other privately that evening.

"Wanna sit with me for a minute?" The Avatar built up the courage to ask, "I'm not ready to get back to the party just yet."

Without saying a word, Asami approached her as a warm smile took over her face. The pair sat down on the stone steps and looked out into the distance as the blue, pink and purple colours of the evening sky glimmered interestingly against the bright yellow light of the spirit portal.

Korra sharply inhaled before expressing what was on her mind.

"I don't think I ever apologised." She said.

"For what?" Asami asked her.

"For being gone all that time. For not coming back sooner."

Asami's bright green eyes widened as she leaned closer towards Korra, "You don't need to apologise for anything. I'm just so happy you're here now. I don't think I could've handled losing you and my father in the same day."

Korra's eyes widened too as her heart sank watching Asami tear up and begin to cry.

"I am SO sorry about what happened." She consoled her, leaning in to hug her beautiful friend tightly.

"Thank you... I'm just glad I was able to forgive him." The nonbender explained with a shaky voice.

"You're so strong for handling everything the way you are... You don't have to do it alone, though. I'm here for you Asami. Always."

The industrialist's heart jumped at that statement. The couple took a moment to let go of their embrace and exchange a long and meaningful glance before they looked back at the mesmerising view in front of them.

"I'm glad your cousin's okay too. I also want to apologise for ever doubting her. Honestly." Korra added.

Asami lifted her brows as she gently smiled, "Again, you don't have to apologise for anything. And I'm glad she's alright, too... That also had me insanely worried the other day. For a moment I thought I'd lost her too..." She said as a knot formed in her throat, "Thank you for being there for me, Korra."

The Avatar smiled before holding Asami's hand and asking her, "Hey, so are you going to the Fire Nation with her tomorrow? The memorial's in a few days, right? I remember you telling me you were thinking about it..."

"Oh, well... I need to get back to her by tonight. Thing is, I don't know if I should go... I'd love to meet the rest of my family, of course, but maybe a memorial isn't the right place to do that... Maybe it's not the right time. Everyone will be grieving, and I don't want to be a burden on anyone there, so... I'm not sure."

"I hear you." Korra said as she took a moment to think, "Bumi's going, right?"

"He is, yes."

"Hmm... Look, if you don't feel a hundred percent comfortable, then it's not worth going. As you said, everyone's going to be in their own headspace, grieving. Maybe it wouldn't be the right time to meet new people or long-lost family members." She began explaining as Asami listened and nodded, "But if you want to pay your respects to Toshiro, then you should go."

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