Chapter 8

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Bolin and Varrick sat on the couches in the living room area of the presidential suite, whilst Akemi paced back and forth listening to them. Inside the meeting room were Bataar and Kuvira.

"Were you surprised?! Because I was really surprised!! Won't this turn all the world leaders against us?!" Bolin questioned Varrick.

"Relax, kid. What can they do! Kuvira controls the whole nation now, and Republic City is begging for the metal that we're mining! This train has left the station... And we own the track!!" Varrick chuckled as he walked towards Zhu Li and the door.

"Guys," Akemi sighed, "is there something I could do specifically? Like by talking to her?"

The meeting room door unlocked and out walked Mr. Arrogance and Kuvira. Varrick quickly escaped along with his assistant, as the pair stood in the center of the living room.

"Take a seat," Bataar growled at Akemi. Since arriving at Republic City, she normally took no notice of him, but this time she did as she was told.

"You look worried, Bolin." Kuvira said, approaching him.

He stood up, "Yeah... Well, I just have some misgivings about how you ambushed Tenzin and the other leaders."
"You believe in the work that we've done for the people of the Earth Empire, right Bolin?"

"I do, but-"

"Then stick with me. I'm going to need your help now more than ever. Reiko and the other leaders want to bully us into accepting some idiot king, who will serve them, but neglect the people. We have to stand strong against them."
"I'm just not sure about this whole 'empire' thing... It seems pretty aggressive!... And what was that part about the crushing?!"
She approached him, "that was just some tough rhetoric to let people know that we mean business. Believe me, conflict is the last thing I want. Will you help me make history, Bolin?" she asked, hand on shoulder. What is that, her go-to sympathy move? Akemi began to question...

He huffed, eventually saying, "yes... I'll stand by you."

"Thank you," she smirked.

Akemi was watching attentively, internally agreeing with everything that Bolin had said. She knew to wait her turn before speaking in such a moment. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Suyin Beifong somehow walked in.

She gave Kuvira a look to kill. "Could you give us the room, please?" Kuvira addressed everyone in the room. The three team members shuffled into the meeting room, awkwardly sitting around whilst Bataar eavesdropped.

"... all you wanted to do was hide in Zaofu and let others deal with the consequences."

Bolin and Akemi could make out some muffled phrases every now and then.

"I didn't want to seize power for myself, which is what you've done."

Kuvira's assistant was beginning to stress. "Bolin," she whispered whilst Bataar barely acknowledged her existence, "she may be right..."

Bolin, sat on top of the mahogany meeting table, nodded with concern in his eyes, "we can make that change. You can. She listens to you. She doesn't even listen to... him." he said pointing at Bataar with his foot which he stopped swinging.

"SHHHH!" the fiance hushed them.

"Tell your world leaders to stay out of Earth Empire business. We won't accept their handpicked dictator."

The muffled voices started rising in volume:

"I know what happens to cities who don't want to hand over control to you!"

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