Chapter 10

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Shit, shit, shit shit... Ju panicked, unable to receive a response from the 9th floor presidential suite. He had been knocking for almost ten minutes, and he had come round earlier as well. It was nearing 7:40am and neither Akemi nor Kuvira had come downstairs to the lobby; not even for breakfast. Should I ask the hotel staff to open the door for me? Kuvira would KILL me, though...

As Ju ran down the 6th floor hallway, he noticed Bataar with Bolin by his side walking up towards him. Bolin noticed Ju's face transform from concerned to relieved, knowing exactly what he probably was thinking... Something like 'oh! There's Bataar. Perfect. He can just go in for Kuvira instead; he's her fiance after all.' Bolin had sensed some weird energy last night; something he probably shouldn't let Bataar know.

"Bataar! Bo!" Ju yelled as he tried to force a smile, but immediately dropped it when he looked at Bolin who now stood behind Bataar, signalling for Ju to KEEP QUIET and not say a thing.

"What's wrong, Ju?" Bataar asked him as he approached.
"Uhm... Nothing!" he chuckled, glancing at Bolin who kept signaling. "I, um, well."
"What is it? You're wasting my morning."

Hmf. "Varrick told me that you have laxatives I could borrow, so I was really relieved. I haven't been able to go to the bathroom all morning. Could I have one, please?"
Bataar shot him a look of disgust, turning to his left to look at Bolin, who had a very squirmish and cheesy smile on his face. "Tell Varrick that's a lie... I don't have any. Have some figs. And hurry up, Kuvira wants to get going at 8am sharp." He turned to Bolin, "Bolin!! Tell Kuvira's assistant that we'll be waiting for her on the Empire train. Now. Go."

"Y-yes! On my way! Heheh! Right away!" Bolin and Ju exchanged relieved expressions as they scurried past each other, Ju now accompanying Bataar on his way to board the train.

"WAKE. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!" Bolin screamed outside the presidential suite door.

"SHUT UP, WILL YOU?" a muffled, groggy voice called back at him. Bolin sighed, dropping his head onto the door in front of him, which at that exact moment opened wide, letting him drop onto the floor inside Kuvira and Akemi's room.

"I'm so sorry!! I know... Our alarm didn't go off! And Kuvira had a toilet emergency!"

"Me?!" Kuvira exclaimed back at Akemi, "hurry up both of you, let's go!!"
The commander and her assistant, slightly panicked, rushed to meet the others on the train; it was 7:55am, and they had woken up and packed just ten minutes before.

As they jogged down the lobby to get to the train, Kuvira in the lead, Bolin whispered to Akemi, "what's going on between you two? You're her assistant... You're supposed to keep her on track, not like she isn't already, but you know... Make sure she's up on time, and all that... Stuff she doesn't have to worry about on top of everything else!! What were you guys even doing last night?"

"Not now, Bolin," Akemi said, glancing at him with a worried look on her face. He looked back, equally concerned.

The metal clanged as they hopped on board as fast as they could. The train ran according to their own schedule, of course, but Kuvira didn't want an ounce of suspicion to arise amongst her team. Although it already might have...

"Kuvi-" Bataar started as she jogged past him and ran into a nearby bathroom.

He turned to Akemi.

"Why were you late? You're supposed to keep her on time." He scowled.
"Well," she leaned in close to him so that the others, who were distracted anyways, couldn't hear, "she had some... Bathroom problems, if you know what I mean. Take it easy on her." She fabled, earning herself a decent, somewhat understanding nod from Bataar.
"Maybe that's why she's been acting weird..." He mumbled.

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