Chapter 33

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The next day, Lin was in her office talking to Su.

"We've got her scheduled in for a court appearance ten weeks from today." She said.

"Ten weeks?! That's almost three months! Couldn't we push it for a little sooner?" Suyin blurted out.

"That's what the high court would accept, Su." The Chief of Police began elaborating to her sister, who was standing in front of her desk in her brightly-lit office, "Plus, with elections starting next month, it's going to be a busy few weeks for everyone. I think it's best if we don't rush into it. Kuvira needs to spend at least some time in solitary confinement... Who knows what the court's decision will be. What if they decide to transfer her sooner?"

"Hm. Look... You're right. I've just been so angry that I want to know what her final sentence will be as soon as possible..." Suyin sighed.

Lin shrugged as she set the case paperwork aside, "Tenzin always says it best, but... We'll have to be patient."

"Sure." Su frowned, crossing her arms. "You know what? I'd actually prefer it if there was no court hearing at all, actually... We all know what she's done. The whole world does, so why doesn't she just stay in solitary permanently? It's what she deserves."

Lin continued to look down at her interlocked fingers as they rested on her desk, not knowing what to say. She rolled her shoulders and sighed as she explained, "That's not in my control, Su. Again... Patience."

Su knew that response was coming. She simply rubbed her forehead as she tried to shift the conversation from Kuvira to Akemi.

"... So what's happening to Ikedo? Bataar told me she was just as involved in building the weapon as he was, and he's already been put under strict house arrest. So why hasn't-"

"Haven't you seen the state of her? Or at least heard about it? Su, she can barely speak, let alone be confronted about her involvement with Kuvira. And unlike my dear nephew-" Lin sarcastically remarked, "... Ikedo was trying to work from the inside out. From the minute Kuvira made that speech at Wu's coronation, she'd been trying to diffuse and settle the issue. She passed intel onto both Sato and myself, risked her own goddamn life jumping from that mecha... Among many other things. I think she deserves a break. She's not a risk to anyone now. How 'bout we just let her recover."

"Right... Right." The Zaofu matriarch pondered, reflecting on the night she'd tried to assassinate Kuvira, "She did plead with Kuvira right in front of me when she tried to stop an Earth Empire mecha from electrocuting me back in Zaofu... Her heart seemed to be in the right place."

Lin nodded.

"Ok." Su added, "I think we should keep an eye on her though. Maybe restrict her movement for some time?"

"I don't think that's necessary. Or possible, actually... Did you not hear from Tenzin or Bumi today? They told me she's got to go back to the Fire Nation; Izumi's holding a memorial for her brother. We can't keep her here." Lin explained, "Anyways. I've got to head to the healing hut to check up on her. Kya's down there already, and I think the kids are, too. Join me if you want."

"Looks like chi exhaustion to me." The short and wrinkly doctor told the group.

At the healing hut, Korra, Asami, Bolin and Lin hovered around Akemi while a specialised chi doctor worked with Kya to determine what caused the former Earth Empire member to pass out for as long as she did.

"So tell me, miss..." The smelly-breathed man croaked as he leaned a little too close to Akemi's face, "Do you remember if - at any point when the spirit portal began to rip open - you used your bending at all?"

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