April Fools!

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(A/N: April fools is my day. I prank HARD. So, I've decided to make a one shot for April fools. Enjoy)

Oikawa was exited. It was April fools day. His friends all knew not to get in his way on the 1st if April. He was the prank King, he was even worse than Maki and Mattsun, together. He pranked everybody. Whether it be his teacher, his parents, the team coach, or the team. He loved pranks. He loved watching people fall for the pranks. But, most of all, he loved coming up with the pranks. It brought him an unconditional amount of joy pranking people.

So, when he woke up that morning, he bolted out of bed. He had to get his pranks ready. He had different pranks for different people. He knew everybody's fears, and he used them against them. On the first, Oikawa was evil.

As Oikawa was walking down the sidewalk towards the school, he was thinking of what prank he should do on Iwazumi. He wanted it to be big, he wanted it to make an impact. After minutes of thinking, he came up with the perfect idea. He would need help though, and the best person to ask for help with this prank would be Terushima. He didn't want to contact the boy, but, he really wanted help.

About a block away from school, the rest of the third years had caught up with Oikawa. They were calling his name, asking him to slow down, and wait for them. He didn't seem to hear them though. As they got closer to the brunette, they noticed that he was talking to someone. They didn't think much of it, as he was always talking to, what he called, 'The pretty setter squad', or the 'bottoms'. It did shock them, however, when they heard him say Terushima. They never talked to each other, not with Terushima constantly hitting on the setters. Oikawa seemed to happy with what was happening on the phone, as he smiled, and 'Thank you so much!'.

Oikawa hung up the phone. Only then did he realize that he had company. "Yahoo~" Oikawa greeted, using his favourite saying, other than 'Iwa-chan~!' "Hi. Who were you talking too?" Hanamaki asked, honestly curious. "Oh, I was talking too Terushima. I needed help with something!" Oikawa replied. "And you couldn't ask anyone else? Not me, or the team?" Iwazumi asked, confused as to why Terushima was his boyfriends first option. The three third years were very surprised when Oikawa didn't even acknowledge Iwazumi. He just ignored him, and turned towards Hanamki, starting a conversation. Iwazumi just stared at Oikawa in disbelief, Oikawa had never ignored Iwazumi before, except for last year, when Iwazumi had pranked him.

Throughout the day, Oikawa had been pulling pranks like crazy. It started with Makki. Oikawa came out of the changing room, pretending that he had cut off his finger, he even had fake blood and everything. It then went onto Yahaba. He had pretended to be hurt, and Yahaba, being the caring child he is, freaked the fuck out. Mattsun had gotten a rat in his bag. Kindaichi had had a spider dropped on top of his head. Kunimi had been 'kicked out of the volleyball team'. It went in all day. And the worst part was, you didn't know when he was going to prank you.

Although the pranks happened throughout the day, the was one thing missing. Oikawa hadn't talked to Iwazumi the whole day. He had been ignoring him in class, turning the other direction in the halls once he saw him, and it seemed like he was taking drastic measures to stay far away from Iwazumi. And, to be quite frank, Iwazumi wanted his boyfriend back. He may not show it, but Iwazumi loves Oikawa so much. And, one of the best features with Oikawa was, he didn't need to be told you loved him, it was like he could tell. He knew when you loved him, whether you told him or not. Iwazumi missed the clingy Oikawa. The one who wouldn't leave him alone, no matter how many times he asked him.

It was now the end of the day. Oikawa had pranked almost everyone on the team, except for Iwazumi. As the three were walking down the road, away from the school, Oikawa got a call. He took one look at the caller ID, and immediately picked up. "Hello, Teru-chan!" It was obvious, now, who the setter was taking too. "Oh, I'm great! Thanks for asking!" The third years could hear Oikawa say. "No, the plan is still in full swing." Oikawa said, slightly annoyed. The other three people were curious. What plan were they talking about? And why was Oikawa talking to Terushima out of free will? "No, if you could stop by at my house, that'd be great!" They could hear the distant voice of the fake blond, his voice quiet, and not allowing the three boys to hear the call.

Terushima and Oikawa were still talking when the third years made it off school grounds. Oikawa didn't spare them a glance the whole way home, leaving the other three to their devises.  By the time they reached Oikawa's house, he hadn't said a word to any of them. Being to caught up in talking to Terushima to notice.

"Hey, Teru-chan, I'll call you back later. I'm home and I need to help my mum with something." Oikawa hung up the phone and started walking up the pathway towards his house. "Not even a good bye? Wow.." Mattsun said jokingly. "Oh, sorry. I forgot you were there." Oikawa said back. "Well, I have to go now. Bye bye Makki, Mattsun, see you tomorrow." Oikawa said, walking towards his house. Iwazumi just stood there dumbfounded. Oikawa always said goodbye to him. Even if they were fighting.

Iwazumi was sitting on his bed. A million thoughts racing through his head. Why was Oikawa ignoring him? Why, all of a sudden, was he talking to Terushima? Why wouldn't he prank him today? He pranked everyone else! So what was the matter? Iwazumi was so confused. This had never happened before. The only time Oikawa had ignored him before was last year during April fools, when Iwazumi pulled an evil prank on him. 'Did I do something wrong?' Though Iwazumi. 'No. I couldn't have. He would've told me. Right?' Deciding to clear his head, Iwazumi got up to go for a walk. He was walking through the park when he saw Terushima and Oikawa together. Terushima said something, making Oikawa laugh. That was the last straw for Iwazumi. He wasn't the clingy type, but he didn't enjoy watching his boyfriend hang out and have fun with someone who constantly hit on him.

Oikawa felt something wrap around his wrist. He looked to Terushima, who looked like he was about to shit himself. Oikawa turned his head, only to see his boyfriend. Standing there. Fuming. You could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Iwazumi asked him, his voice filled with anger. "Hanging out with Teru-chan." Oikawa replied back. "Oh, so now you decide to respond to me!" "It's a conversation. Isn't that how it works?" Oikawa said back sassily. Iwazumi just looked him in the eyes. After about 30 seconds, Iwazumi started dragging Oikawa away, in the direction of his house. "Hey! Stop it! I wasn't done talking to Teru-chan! Let me go!" Oikawa said, fighting Iwazumi's tight grip. "No." Was all that  Iwazumi replied with.

Iwazumi continued to drag Oikawa to his house, only stoping when they got to his room. Iwazumi pushed Oikawa down on the bed, and sat beside him. "Explain." Iwazumi said. He didn't verify what he wanted explained, but Oikawa knew what he was talking about. So he explained. He explained how this was all a prank. How he had called  Terushima to help with the prank, cause if he called anyone else, Iwazumi wouldn't get jealous. How he wanted to get him back for the prank last year, and this seemed like his best bet. Once he was done explaining he looked at Iwazumi. Iwazumi still looked mad, but he didn't look fuming.

"Lay down." Iwazumi said. "What?" Oikawa asked confused. "I said, lay down." "Uh, ok?" Oikawa said, he voice filled with uncertainty. Once he was later down, Iwazumi flipped him so he was on his side, facing the window. "What are you doing, Iwa-chan?" "Shhhh"
Oikawa felt something wrap itself around him, slithering it's arms around his waist, and kissing his head. "Soo, you just wanted cuddles?" Oikawa asked. "Mhm." Iwazumi responded. Oikawa giggled slightly. He turned around, so that he was facing Iwazumi, and nuzzled into his chest. He loved hearing Iwazumi's heart beat when the cuddled. It calmed him down.

"I love you, Tooru."
"I love you too, Iwa-chan"

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