What a lie

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Category: Light Angst
(Please comment if you see mistakes, I haven't proof read this-)
Oikawa was walking up the short steps, taking deep breath after depth breath to calm his nerves. His stomach was filled with anxieties, and it felt like he was going to vomit, but he couldn't back out now.
He looked out on the many people watching, waiting for him to start his song. A song he had poured his heart, soul, and many mixed emotions into. His hands travelled to the strap of his guitar, which was currently slung around his shoulders.

He made the final step, and cheers and claps could be heard throughout the whole room. He smiled a dazzling smile -no matter how fake it was. The crowd cheered louder, meaning swooning over the attractive male.
The ruckus eventually died down, creating a silent mask, which covered the whole area.
"Thank you all for coming!" Came the sickly sweet voice loud in the speakers. The crowd once again broke into a wave of cheers and applause.
"I made this song for someone close to me, who I lost. And I miss him dearly. He's probably not going to hear this as he probably hates me by now, so I thought I might as well share it with all of you. Please enjoy."

He stated the strumming of his guitar, the sensitive sound speakers picking up the soft tune.
"I feel a little nauseous and my hands are shaking. I guess that means you're close by.
My throat is getting dry and my heart is racing. I haven't been by your side in a minute, but I think about it sometimes. Even though I know it's not so distant, oh no I still wanna reminisce it." He sang the first part softly. The crowd was completely silent, each and every person hanging on his every sung word like it was the information of a life time, although to them it probably was.

"I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark and we stayed up for hours.
What a time, what a time, what a time.
You clinged to my body like you wanted it forever.
What a time, what a time, what a time. For you and I. What a time, what a time, for you and I." The crowd was going ballistic throughout the rest of the song, cheering loudly along to the sound of the music.

Iwaizumi sat on his run-down couch, in his pretty crappy apartment. His head was in his hands, and he payed no attention to the two people who sat on either side of him, shooting concerned glances at each other over his shoulders.
The strawberry linked haired male eventually broke the thick silence. "Hey man, are you alright? You've been sitting like that since we got here, and we're getting kinda concerned." The male rested a hand of the ravenette's shoulder, trying to seem as comforting as possible. The man just sighed for the umpteenth time. "I don't know at this point. One day I'll be doing perfectly fine, and then memories will come rushing in and I won't be so fine. I don't know what to do anymore." He confessed into his palms, not caring enough to look up from them to face the men beside him.
He couldn't be bothered to face their pitiful expressions at the moment, that would just make him feel worse about the whole situation.
The two men looked at each other, having a silent conversation with their eyes. The black, short curly haired boy took his turn to talk.
"Do you, maybe wanna talk about it..? About what happened? Between you and him?.." Even without a name, Iwaizumi knew who he was talking about. He wouldn't get this upset over some stranger that had no greater value to his life.
He though about it for a second, before giving in to the idea. He looked up slightly, his eyes blurry with un-shed tears, his cheeks marked with the ones that had managed to escape the dark green orbs that had held them hostage.
"Ya, OK. I'll tell you.." He muttered.

"I know we didn't end it like we're supposed to. And now we get a bit tense. I wonder if my mind just leaves out all the bad parts, I know we didn't make sense. I admit that I think about it sometimes, even though I know it's not so distant, oh no I still wanna reminisce it." The other two boys looked at him, with mirroring expressions of confusion and shock on their faces.

"I think do that night in the park, it was getting dark and we stayed up for hours.
What a time, what a time, what a time.
I clinged to his body like I wanted it forever.
What a time, what a time, what a time, for him and I. What a time, what a time. For him and I."

"So..things ended between the two of you then?" The pink haired male asked. Iwaizumi merely nodded, placing his head back into his hands. The other two continued to look at each other, even after the explanation they were still confused. Iwaizumi and Oikawa had been a perfect couple, always going things with each other, and not leaving the other alone for over fifteen minutes. They seemed perfect to everybody. Yes, they still had their fights, every couple did, but no one expected them to break up. Let alone for it to happen over night. It seemed as if it wasn't a clean break off, and that one of them obviously didn't want it -even though they didn't know that Oikawa disliked that they broke up even more than Iwaizumi did.

Iwaizumi nodded slightly, not giving a verbal answer. "Can you guys leave? I know I was the one who asked you to come here, but I really need alone time now.." Although Iwaizumi couldn't see it, the other two boys had nodded, getting up silently.
"We'll come back tomorrow to drop and some food. Don't do anything stupid." The curly haired boy said, before opening the door for his boyfriend and walking out.
As soon as they left, Iwaizumi broke down completely. The flow of tears never steadying or stoping, no matter how hard he tried to get them to. Sobs wracked his body as more memories flowed in. It was like a barrier had been set free.
He couldn't help but feel regretful. If he hadn't been so utterly stupid, this wouldn't have happened. He would still have Oikawa by his side, and he wouldn't be breaking down on his couch alone.

Oikawa sat on a bench in a park, headphones in his ears to block out the sounds of everything around him. His eyes were focused on the ground, avoiding the eyes which were piercing into his soul from the back of his head. The two sat in complete silence, both silently wondering why they had met up in the first place.
"So uh, how are you?" The brunette eventually asked the other, taking out his head phones.
"Oh, I'm pretty good I guess. Works been going well.." Cam the awkward reply. "That's good. Good for you, getting forward with life.. Could I say something? About our relationship?" Oikawa asked, turning to face Iwaizumi.
"Oh! Ya sure.." Oikawa merely forced a smile.

"I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark. And we stayed up for hours.
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie.
You clinged to my body like you wanted in forever.
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie, for you and I. What a lie, what a lie. For you and I.."

The two sat there in silence for a time more, basking in the silence the night brought. And, only after they had left each other for the second time, did they realize how much they needed each other. But it was too late, because they had already let go a second time.

(A/N: Sorry for like disappearing for like two weeks-
I honestly don't know what happened-
I'll try and get another couple one shots out within the next few days-
Also, should probably mentions now, in most the angst chapters, the characters are aged up, so they're in collage at that point, I'm just too lazy to go back and change it-)

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