Half a Man

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Category: Angst
There was note, sitting in the grave of his best friend. He was there for his monthly visit, and saw the envelope sitting in the ground, with a bouquet of flowers. They were Delphinium's, Oikawa's favourite flower. The fake blond reached for the envelope, it felt heavy. He wondered who could've wrote it, and what was inside.

He carefully opened the seal to the envelope, slowly pulling out a long letter. He read the top of the letter and scoffed.
'Hey, whoever is reading this, this is Iwaizumi. If you could please read this letter out loud for Oikawa for me?'

Atsumu still sat there, looking at the name, 'Iwaizumi.' He decided it was worth a shot, and unfolded the rest of the letter.

"I was wrong to say I loved him, I was wrong to think I'm right. When I told him it was over, oh my dear, I had lied. I've been running from my demons, afraid to look behind. I've been running from myself, afraid of what I'd find." Atsumu read aloud, a mixture of emotion taking over his body.

"But how am I supposed to love you when I don't love who I am? And how could I give you all of me when I'm only half a man? 'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, you let go of my hand. Oh how can I give him all of me, when I'm only half a man?" Atsumu stoped reading, taking a breath of the cold evening air.

"And now I'm stuck in this hotel room by a cold neon light. And I've been waiting for an answer, but it won't come tonight. And every bottle I have stolen lay shattered on the floor. What's been broken can't be whole anymore." Atsumu's eyes became blurry, reading what Iwaizumi had wrote down.

"But how am I supposed to love you, when I don't love who I am? And how could I  give you all of me, when I'm only half a man? 'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, you let go of my hand. Oh how can I give you all of me, when I'm only half a man?" The words repeated in Atsumu's mind, playing like an endless film. He thought of how Oikawa react if he read the letter. He'd probably be running to Iwaizumi, giving him a hug, and telling him it was going to be ok.

"And no one can ever hurt me, like I hurt myself. 'Cause I'm made out of stone. And I'm beyond help, don't give your heart to me again." Atsumu shook his head, agreeing with the statement.

"But how am I supposed to love you, when I don't love who I am? And how could I give you all of me, when I'm only half a man? 'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, and you let go of my hand. Oh how can I give you all of me, when I'm only half a man?

"I'm so sorry Kawa, my love. I never meant to hurt you, at the time, I thought that leaving would help not do the opposite. If I would've known what was going to happen, I wouldn't've walked out on you. I will forever be sorry, my love, and I will always remember you. I'm sorry that our last memory together was a sad one.
I love you

Atsumu now had tears free falling down his face, he realized how much Iwaizumi loved Oikawa, and how heart broken Iwaizumi sounded.

He looked into the envelope, and noticed something sitting at the bottom. He turned it upside down, and shook until the items fell out. They were pictures. All pictures of Iwaizumi and Oikawa together, living their best life. A life they couldn't get back.

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