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Category: Angst
He watched as the boys nephew clung to the body

He watched as the mother cried in the corner

He watched the fathers eyes fill with sorrow

He watched the sister's face contort in emotional pain

He watched as the family broke down

He felt his own tears running down his cheeks

He felt the pain well up in his chest

He felt the guilt finally catch up to him

He saw a small smile grace the males face

His eyes lighting up as he saw his family

He heard the heart monitor gradually slowing down

He heard the panicked breathing of the mother, still shocked at the thought
of loosing her only son

He heard the shaky sobs of the older sister, who -until now- had tried to stay strong
for her younger brother

He heard the frantic callings of the father, trying to get a doctor

The sniffles of the nephew, still crying into his uncles shoulder. Still not completely
understanding what was happening

He heard the rushed footsteps of the doctors

He saw the mans eyes slowly closing

He saw as his smile slowly faded

He saw how the mother fell the ground. Clutching her chest, as if to make
the pain go away

Saw the fathers face as it slacked, no more emotions painted on it

Saw the sister shakily try and remove her son

He felt his heart clench

He wanted to scream

He wanted to walk over to the mother. He wanted nothing more than to
give her a hug

He wanted to say sorry to the father

He wanted to cry with the sister

He wanted to try and make the nephew understand

He wanted to fall to the ground

He wanted to sob

He wanted to hug the boy. To beg him to come back

But he couldn't

He couldn't hug the mother. She was in too much pain

He couldn't say sorry to father. He wouldn't listen

He couldn't cry with the sister. She was better alone

He couldn't explain to the nephew. It'd break him

He couldn't scream

He couldn't sob

All he could do was watch

Watch as the family was torn apart

Watch as a mother lost a son

As a father lost his boy

As a sister lost her best friend

As a nephew lost his one and only uncle

It was his fault

If he hadn't stormed out of the house like that

If he had payed better attention to his surroundings

If he had listened to the calls

If he had tried to listen

None of this would've happened

He wouldn't've been shoved out of the way

Wouldn't've only come out with a scratch

Wouldn't've had to watch the family break

Wouldn't've had to watch him die in front of his eyes

As he thought of all the things he could've done instead,

Iwaizumi Hajime sunk to the ground

Finally coming to terms, that his love

His boyfriend

His world

His universe

His best friend

Had died

And it was his fault

Oikawa Tooru didn't die a un-hero like death.
He didn't die by killing himself.
He didn't die by being shot.
He didn't die by an illness.
He died saving the one he loved above all others.
The one he wished to see continue life.
The one he had hoped to marry.
The one who was always there for him.
The one who he'd shared years of secrets with.
The one who believed in him, when no one else would.
The one he thought of as family.
He had jumped in front of that car, because he couldn't watch his boyfriend die.
He couldn't even bare the thought.
He died like a hero.
He died saving others.
But most importantly,

He died being loved.

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