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Category: Fluff
(This kinda tugged at my heart strings when I was writing this. No, this isn't the special I mentioned in my last authors note.)

Iwaizumi Hajime had always believed in Oikawa Tooru.

They grew up together, they always did everything together. They were apart of each other's being; it was natural to them.

Iwaizumi trusted Oikawa's judgement, and Oikawa was the same. They believed and trusted each other. No matter what.

Iwaizumi had believed in Oikawa when they started middle school, and Oikawa showed interest in being a setter. His best friend was amazing, and could do anything he set his heart on. He believed that Oikawa would surpass everyone else, and achieve his pre-teen dream.
And he did. It came as no surprise to Iwaizumi when Oikawa was appointed starting setter in their second year of primary school. He had watched as his best friend worked harder, and longer than anyone else. He had been by his side the whole time, and was just as happy as the brunette was.

Iwaizumi had believed in Oikawa when they started secondary school. He believed that Oikawa would do phenomenally in volleyball, and he knew that the male would have an amazing academic career.

Iwaizumi had believed in Oikawa when he he injured his knee in the start of second year. He had believed that he would get better, and would be able to play again.

He had believed in Oikawa when he was appointed captain of Seijoh's Volleyball Club.

He had believed in his when he watched as Oikawa won against team after team flawlessly.

He had believed in him when they lost to Karasuno. He had believed that this wouldn't be the end for his best friend, and that he would move on past this.

Iwaizumi was the only person who believed in Oikawa when others had given up on him.

Not only had Iwaizumi believed in Oikawa, he had watched over him.

Iwaizumi had always watched over Oikawa; he made sure he always did his best without pushing himself to far. He always pushed him forward when he wanted to give up, because despite everything, he had always believed that Oikawa Tooru was the best, that he was strong and could do anything.

Because Iwaizumi had promised Oikawa. When they were little, scared kids, afraid of the future, Iwaizumi had promised Oikawa that he would always be there for him. That he would be the one to believe in him no matter what, and that he would watch over him when no one else did.

And Iwaizumi Hajime never broke his promises.

He had been the only one who supported Oikawa when he said he wanted to play for Argentina. He had been the first one told when Oikawa was accepted, and he had been the only one to see him off at the airport.

Even though it broke his heart to let go of his best friend, to watch him walk away from him, leaving him behind, he knew it was for the best. After all, he believed that Oikawa would do great things.

Iwaizumi had always watched Oikawa on the TV, he had seen everyone of the brunettes games, no matter the hour. Because he looked out for his best friend. And even if they were in different countries entirely, he wouldn't stop watching Oikawa.

And when, after everything, Oikawa Tooru finally achieved his dreams and became something amazing, the proudest in the whole world was Iwaizumi. Who had always watched after him, and never stopped believing in him.

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