
643 8 2

Category: Soft angst
A light giggle escaped the brunettes mouth. The man beside him chuckled along with him.

They both wore smiles, beautiful white teeth shining through plump, rosy lips.

Their eyelids were glued to their cheeks tightly, hiding the shimmering of their eyes underneath.
The corner of their eyes held creases, proof that their smiles were true.

They laid on the red and white checkered blanket, the sun setting behind them.

A light breeze ruffled the grass around them.

His arm was thrown across the others waist gently, his fingers tapping on the soft, warm skin softly.

It felt like heaven to the two boys.

But they knew it would end soon.

Everything had to end sooner or later.

And this was just a case of it ending too soon.

The brunette reached out to grab his phone, which was previously resting in his white shoes.

The other let out a grunt of protest, not happy with the sudden movement.

The taller of the two sighed once he had seen the Lock Screen of the devise in his hands.

'When are you going to come home?'

The brunette sat up, leaving the other male to look up at him.

The ravenette joined the other in sitting up on the blanket, his eyes scanning the others face for a sign of what was wrong.

"I have to go."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Then stay."

"Us loving each other doesn't change the fact that I have to go."

"I love you."

This time, he doesn't say it back.

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