Chapter 3 - It's okay, bro

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Third person perspective


Katsuki walked down the hallway, holding his notebook on his left hand and his right hand on his chest. His heart pounded like light and his face was flushed red like strawberries. Only Kirishima can touch me. Ran through his head. Before he could control himself, move his thought back to walking to the dining hall, he tunneled down to his feet, his notebook flinging across the floor. He grunted and looked up to see Denki, mockingly staring at him with one raised eyebrow. "She's really for your head on a twist, hasn't she?" Denki mocked, that's when he noticed the open notebook. "Dude, you dropped this." He knelt down to pick up the notebook and noticed scribbles and doodles of one of their classmates, and it was clear who it was. "Bro..." He looked up as Katsuki, who was clinging to his feet, "why is Kirishima doodled all over your notebook?" Katsuki's eyes widened and his heart pounded. I was drawing Eijiro?! He became dizzy and his cheeks flushes, his mind unable to keep just a single thought on at a time. "I don't i- I don't-" he stuttered. Katsuki never stutters. What are you doing to me, Eijiro. He thought as he placed his sleeve down on his hand and over his face. "You don't like Tsu, do you?" Denki gulped, looking at Katsuki's flustered face. "You like Kirishima!"

They walked down the hallway, Katsuki hugging onto his book, trying to ignore Denki's questions. "When did you know? Have you told your parents? Do you plan to come out? Do you plan to tell Kirishima you like men? Do you plan to tell Kirishima you like him? Do you plan to tell anyone? Are you gay, bi, pan, Omni, what's your sexuality?" He went on and on with questions about Katsuki's sexuality and feelings for Eijiro. "Damn it, Pikachu, shut up!" Katsuki yelled, wanting the questioning to stop. "I wasn't even ready to tell you I liked someone, why do you think I'm okay with answering all these questions about my sexuality?" He yelled, embarrassed, scared and confused. He didn't even have an answer to them all himself. "Fine, can you at least tell me your sexuality or your feelings state for Kirishima?" Denki pleaded with Katsuki, annoying the blond more and more. "Fine! If you damn well shut up!" She scoffed. He took in a deep breath and thought about Eijiro's hands, how soft they where in his. "I- don't know how to explain my feelings for Eijiro..." Katsuki said, sort of quietly.
"Oh my god! Eijiro, you're on first name bases with him?" Denki said in a mocking tone. Katsuki's face lit up with a gentle red tone one again. "N-no!" He yelled, trying not to stumble on his words. "A-and for m sexuality," He went silent for a few seconds before he shrugged, feeling Denki's eyes glare at him and burn through his skin. "I've never liked a girl." Katsuki shrugged. Denki nodded and smiled at him.
"Don't worry about it dude, I'll be your wing man!" He grinned and put up one thumb, laughing slightly. Katsuki didn't want to, but he couldn't help it, so he nodded and smiled. "Thanks."

"Kiri, bro!" Denki said as he sat down at the booth with his food, next to Mina. Eijiro didn't make a noise, he just swirled around his food on his plate and stared at it. "Kirishima?" Denki repeated. Katsuki hearing Denki repeat Eijiro's name sent a spike of jealousy down his spine, making him growl slightly. Denki saw Katsuki's angry reaction, saw him try keep it down. He shoved food in his mouth and shut up, realising Katsuki's jealousy. Is it that obvious that I'm jealous? Katsuki thought to himself. And why am I jealous, he just said his name. He gulped and began to eat his old, trying to keep his eyes off Eijiro and on the plate in front of hm. Eijiro. Katsuki thought to himself, his face going red as the positions of last night, of yesterday, when they held each other, the way Eijiro's hands felt intertwined with his ran through his mind. "Thinkin' bout' Tsu?" Mineta teased, trying to stand on his tiptoes to see above the table. Eijiro's eyes looked over at Mineta and then Katsuki, he coudn't help but yell, "What!"

Ochaco sat on the sofa, eyes half closed and sucking up her noodles. "Uraraka, are you alright?" Izuku asked, putting down his spoon and looking at Ochaco. "Yeah, Deku, I'm fine, just feeling a little sick." She smiled at Izuku toske the green haired boy not worry about her. Izuku gripped her hand and smiled back at her, hoping for her to feel better. "Want me to get you another drink?" He asked, pulling her slightly closer to him. Ochaco felt her face grow red as she felt Izuku's hand against her head. "You've got a bit of a temperature, Uraraka." He frowned. "Should I take you to recovery girl?"
"I'm fine, Deku." Ochaco tried to keep herself from freaking out. So close. She thought to herself. "No, you're not. Come with me." He smiled and grabbed her hands leaving their food on the table as he led them away from the lunch hall and to the nurse.

Ochaco blushes as she felt her hand in his. Her heart raced as they walked forward. She tried to move up from him dragger her to them walking hide by side, holding hands. He looked at her, his cheeks flushed and his heart also racing. Ochacos eyes widened slightly as she saw him, his mouth slightly open, his teeth pushed togehter, his eyes looking at her kindly and soft, his cheeks red. "Dek-u."

As both an Ochaco and Deku kinney (I think thats the word), the last paragraph had me crying. My babies are so beautiful omg.

Words: 961

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