Chapter 5 - Hangout in Katsuki's room

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Bakugo's perspective


I sat in class, staring at Aizawa and trying to keep my vision away from Kirishima. My eyes darted behind me to see Deku was gone from his seat, then i noticed Uraraka was not here either. "Sir, where's Pink cheeks and Deku?" I asked, as polite as I could but still angry and rude.
"Ah, i forgot to mention. Uraraka and Midoriya will not be in for the rest of the day, she is ill and Midoriya is caring for her." Aizawa replied
"Oh no! Is Uraraka okay?" Mina asked. Aizawa nodded in response.
"Just a stomach bug." The lesson then moved on like the conversation was imaginary. I began to feel my energy drain as I laid my head down on the desk, my eyes darting over at Kirishima, who was doing the same. He's staring at me? I gulped. He let off one of his sunshine smiles and looked to Aizawa. I couldn't pull my eyes from his direction, my heart kept fluttering in my chest. "Mhmmm grr" i groaned, shoving my head in my arms. "Uhm, are you alright Bakugo?" Aizawa asked, confused at why I practically just screamed. I nodded slightly, not showing my face at all. "He's in love~" Mineta teased, my head shooting up and my cheeks flushed.
"Shut up, purple Perv, no I'm not!" I yelled. I yelled at him a lot to shut him up, I wanted the subject to change so bad I lost myself through the anger. "You can't just go around telling people that!"
"Bakugo no!" Before I caught control of my self again, I'd already gone to far. Mineta's nose was bleeding, his eyes where swelled up with tears. I'd punched him, all because he told everyone i had a crush on someone. "Bakugo!" I felt my own eyes swelling up with tears, and a hand on my shoulder. My hands were over my mouth and I was shaking. I'd never felt like such a monster. "KATSUKI!" Kirishima yelled rushing over at me and shoving Denki away, wrapping his arms around me. "Ei." I gulped, going silent.

School ended, I had got in a little trouble but so did Mineta for saying something he shouldn't have. Aizawa saw how shaken up I was so lied and said I pushed Mineta and he fell over. "Hey." Denki said as we stared at Deku and Uraraka asleep on the sofa. Kirishima giggle slightly and kept walking. 'So we're not gonna ask why they look like they're a couple? Kay' then." So we continued to walk. We passed Deku's room and a shock filled my body. "Iz-u-ku?" I gulped, staring at the destroyed merchandise of all-might spread across the floor. "Why don't we ignore this- whatever this is, and go to bakugo's room and hang out." Denki grinned, clearly concerned about Deku but to caught up with making sure we didn't worry and getting us together that he hid it. "Sure" I scoffed, eyes darting to Kirishima, who was leant on the wall, eyes half closed. "Bakugo! Kirishima!" I snapped back into reality. "I've been shouting for like- a minute, snap back in reality." He shook Kirishima and looked at me, seeing o wasn't staring anymore. "Lovebirds." He muttered, rolling his eyes as he walked past me. I wanted to yell, but that would only make Kirishima suspicious. I nodded and we headed off to my room.

"Damn dude, your beds a mess." Denki laughed, staring at my messed up sheets and the the pillow that was at the end of the bed. His eyes then widened as he stared at me. What was going through his head I don't know. "Sit" I said, pointing to the chair at my desk. "Kirishima can sit on my bed with me."

No-ones perspective

No, I'm overthinking things. Denki thought to himself, staring at Eijiro and Katsuki, who where sat on the bed. I need to stop hanging out with Mineta. He laughed gently to himself.
"What are you laughing about, charger?" Katsuki asked, glaring angrily at Denki. "Nothing, boom bro." Denki replied
"The hell-"
"He's trying out stupid nicknames on everyone." Eijiro rolled his eyes.
"They're not dumb, Rock man." Denki scowled.
"See." Eijiro shrugged. Katsuki replied with a snigger and laid back on his bed, staring at his ceiling. A couple minutes passed, Denki and Eijiro talking, Katsuki laying on his bed listening. His hair looks so soft and fluffy. Katsuki thought to himself, his eyes staring at Eijiros hair. He hadn't had time to do it up on his usual spikey style this morning and honestly, Katsuki preferred the red heads hair in its natural style. Katsuki felt his heart flutter as he daydreampt about running his fingers through Eijiro's hair as Eijiro laid on his chest, asleep. "Bakugo, your face is red." Eijiro said, looking over at Katsuki. "Eh?!" Katsuki yelled, face going redder and sitting up. "I know what he's thinking about." Denki teased, placing a pocky stick in his mouth. Katsukis face grew redder and redder as Eijiro begged to know what, Denki slightly giggling to himself. "Nothing, no-one, never!" Katsuki yelled. Eijiro giggled at his sudden response.
"Who is it?" Eijiro begged, grinning, showing his shark teeth. Katsuki shook his head fast and looked away, squinting his eyes and trying to hide his blush. "Come on, man!" Eijiro teased. Katsuki shook his head again.
"I know who it is~" Denki teased again, placing another pocky stick on his tongue and biting down on it.

The three spent half an hour chatting about Katsuki's crush, begging him to say. Denki respected his friend so refused to say, but was loving teasing him and making him scared and embarrassed. "Tell us!" Eijiro flung himself at Katsuki, pressing him up against the wall next to the bed, looking him directly in the eye. Eijiro sat on Katsuki's lap for a few seconds in silence, staring him right in the eyes, one hand pressed up against Katsukis hand which was pressed up against the wall, the other holding onto Katsuki's shoulder. "No-one, damn it." Katsuki finally replied, trying to push the red heads hand away from the wall. Eijiro's arms fell limp as he felt an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion fill his body, he fell forward, head hitting Katsuki's shoulder. "Kirishima?" Katsuki said, confused. Eijiro was sound asleep, unable to be easily woken. He didn't sleep last night. Katsuki gulped. Then, in that moment he felt something happen. His heart raced and his face lit up red. He felt his hands move towards Eijiro's hair, running thought his red locks. "This must be killing you, bro." Denki teased, again. Katsuki didn't have the energy to respond, he just sat, the red head asleep on his lap, one hand in his hair, the other holding his up by his waist.

"Boys!" Mina yelled, swinging the bedroom door open. "What the hell Mina!" Katsuki whisper yelled, moving his hands away from Eijiro's hair. "Boy, do I have news for you." She giggled, clicking the door shut behind her and sitting on the end of the bed. Katsuki didn't have the heart to push Eijiro off, no matter how embarrassed he felt, he was loving the warm red head sleeping on his shoulder. "I heard that Todoroki has a crush on someone in our very class!" Mina grinned.
"Gossiping, really Mina?" Katsuki scoffed. Mina grinned and nodded.
"I know who she is, well, maybe." Mina continued, staring into the big bright eyes of Denki, seeing how excited he was to know.
"Who?" Denki replied. Mina shrugged.
"Until I'm sure I can't tell you." Denki leant back in his chair and placed another pocky stick in his mouth.
"Pocky! We should play Pocky!" Mina yelled, changing the subject. Denki looked at the pocky box in his hand.
"Play, pocky?" Denki said, confused.
"Yeah! You get a pocky stick and two people put it in their mouths no eat down on it the first person to pull away gains a point." She grinned.
"Gains?" Denki asked.
"Gaining a point is bad in this game, the person with the most points loses." She replied
"Oh, Kay'." Denki smiled.
"I'll go get more people to play! Then later we can play some other games!" Mina yelled as she rushed out.
"This is my room, damnit, don't bring people up here!" Katsuki yelled, bu Mina was long gone. "Damnit, extras."


This wasn't as cute as I wanted but it's really long so yeah, i tried. Sorry it took so long to come out.

Words - 1410

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