• Chapter 15 • Splash

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Bakugo's perspective

"Bakugo, you're finally here!" Ahsido grinned, jumping up and running to me. "We're all going to the pool, wanna come?" She asked.
"Why would I I wanna go to some stupid pool with you!" I yelled in reply.
"I thought you might say this," she said again, "that's why-"
"I'm going." Kirishima interrupted.
"What!?" I yelled again, face slightly going red.
"Please Bakubro!" He whined, leaning over the sofa.
"Fine!" I scoffed. The group that where going cheered, the other people I'm the room ignoring us. I covered my rose red face by crossing my arms over it and turning my head away. "Alright, you angry lol dog, get your stuff and let's go!" Racoon eyes said.
"Dog!" I yelled.
"Go, bakubro." Kirishoma lighted. I scoffed and spun around, heading up to my room again.

I slumped down on my bed and helf in my screams, trying to drop my face going red. Why do I have to be going so soft for Kirishima, why does he bring out that side in me, that side I hate. It makes me feel vulnerable and weak. I put my hand over my eyes and wait for my heart to stop beating, thinking about things that stop me feeling... happy.

"Bakugo!" I hear Mina yell. I sigh and get up, shoving a towel, hair and body wash, clean clothes and anything else I wanted for swimming in a bag, and ran out. "Finally." Deku said, instantly regretting it after he hid behind his stupid pink cheeked girlfriend.

"Why is he coming?" I scoffed as we sat in the back seats of the bus, staring st the short crap sat next to me.
"He insisted, I couldn't say no to one of my children." Ashido giggled.
"He just wants to see you idiotic girls in a bikini!"
"Now how, don't jump to conclusions Bakugo. From your logic, that means you and Kirishima and also Midoriya want to see the ladies without their clothing." He tried to defend, but eas staring at Momo's breasts the whole time. I moved in front of her as she stared awkwardly, gulping and realising where his eyes where.
"Says that brat that is staring at Momo's breasts!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes, and went on to stare at pink-cheeks. Deku had a full on go at him.

"Are we there yet!?" Mina whined.
"Calm done, Ashido. We're nearly there, I'm sure. Ribbit." Tsu reasurred. Pinkie over there groaned and laid her head on Tsu's shoulder, beginning rant about how stupid long bus rides where. I'm not usually one to ship, but I kinda like them two, I'm rooting for them.
"Why are you staring at Asui and Ashido?" Deku asked, noticing my eyes staring at them.
"Why the hell would I freaking tell you!?" I screamed.
"Can you be quiet!" A mother from the front of the bus yelled.
"I'll say what I damn want at what damb tone I want to!" I replied.
"Bakubro, calm down." Kirishishima said, calmly. Deku jumped up from the seat next to me and moved to the row in front, swapping seats with Kirishima. "Whatever." I scoffed, as the movement happened.

"We're here!" Tsu grinned, jumping up from her seat and grabbing her bag from where her feet were. Ashido climbed from her chair aswell and climbed over Tsu's, grabbing her back from nose her feet aswell. Deku got up from next to Hagakura. Basically we all got off the bus.

(A/n: If you're confused about hos they sat, here it is. They sat on the back two rows of the bus. On the back row there five seats. Bakugo sat in the middle, Deku and Yaomomo next to him. Mineta and Uraraka where next to Deku. He row goes, Yaomomo, Bakugo, Deku, Uraraka, Mineta. On the row in front was Mina, Tsu, Kirishima, Hagakura. At one point Deku swapped with Kiri so Kiir was next to Bakugo and Deku next to Hagakura. )

"Okay boys, you three head off in the changing rooms over there!" Ashido grinned, pointing to the boys changing rooms. I rolled my eyes and spun around, walking next to Kirishima to the room. As we walked down the hall, wrist bands from paying to get in on, I felt my hand brush up against Kirishimas. My face flew red as I felt him tug on my hand, linking it with his. I looked over to his face, he wasn't fazed, then down to out hands. I blushed as I gripped back, trying to look away, to hide my blush. I looked over and saw Deku confusingly staring at us, then smiling at me and pretending nothing happened.

"You're hands warm." Kirishima grinned. I nodded in response and moved slightly closer to him. We were still walking. Suddenly, he tugged his hand away, looking down and rubbing his arm. "What are you-?" And then a realised. Everyone's eyes were on me, and him. On him. That killed me. Everyone was staring at us, judging us, and all we where doing was holding hands. For the first time ever, I couldn't yell. I couldn't tell them to stop staring threaten to blow them up, I just felt my eyes burn and my heart ache. I looked over at Kirishima again, who was trying not to look at all the eyes on him. "Hey, don't stare at them!" Deku defended, seeing my frozen up panic and Kirishima's embarrassment. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. He shook his head.
"I hate people." He walked forward faster, and went into the changing rooms before us. I took in a deep breath and let it out with a sigh, following him into the changing room.

"Wow!" Mineta drooled. The girls moved backwards away from him, so I watched him on the back of the head, pushing him into the pool. "You girls do look nice." Kirishima continued, trying to get his hair out of his face.
"Thank you, Kirishima." Tsu said, looking at the water.
"In we go!" Ashido yelled, grabbing Tsu and jumping in. They crashed through the water, before Pink Cheeks jumped in after them. "Wait for me!" Deku yelled, following his girlfriends actions. I heard a sigh some from beside me, before Kirishima jumped in after them. I forced back a laugh and dropped myself down.

"What a pathetic way of getting in." Mineta teased.
"Shut up, you perverted peice of crap!" I yelled, shoving Mineta.
"Pervert!?" A girl Mina had been flirting with panicked.
"Don't worry, we know how to deal with him." Mina reassured the blond. She gripped onto her and hid away from Minetas gaze.
"Tsu?" I muttered, seeng Tsu trying not to look.
"I- I'm fine, ribbit." She responded. I nodded and swam away from the group to the other side of the pool.

"Hey" A boy with ginger hair and dark brown eyes swam over to me.
'Uhm, hi?" I said in a confused tone, too bored to be mean.
"I'm Tamasa." He greeted.
"nice to meet you, do you wanna be friends?" He asked, swimming next to me. I replied with a simple shrug, realising my gaze was moving to Kirishima.
"Uhm...." He said, not knowing ho to respond.
"Don't give a damn." I said, finally.
"Guess we're friends then!" He laughed. My vision focused on the ginger next to me, still watching Kirishima splashing and playing with Mina out of the corner of my eye. "You can call me Tama, if you'd like."
"I think I'll call you ginger, don't like remembering names." I scoffed, looking back at the group I came with.
"A-alright then." He stuttered out.
"Kacchan!" Deku yelled, trying to squirm away from Ochaco, who was grabbing him in a game of what i guessed was water-tag.
"What!?" I screamed back in response.
"Help!" He yelled.
"I'd rather watch you suffer!" I rolled my eyes and leant on the edge.
"C'mon Bakugo, play with us!" Mina insisted.
"Shut the hell up raccoon eyes, I'm not gonna play a child's game with you, the nerd, and pink cheeks." She swam over and started whispering to Kirishima, who was probably playing too.
"I'm playing too." I was right. I fought the urge to scream yes and grab him.
"Shut up, Kirishima."
"How come he doesn't get a nickname?" Ginger asked.  I jumped slightly, having forgot he was there.
"He's my best— he's decent." I replied.
"Ah..." He sighed.

"Bakugo, help!" Kirishima yelled, jumping at me as Tsu chased him. I felt my face flush up as he hid his face in my wet shoulder. I could feel his breath on my skin, his arms around my neck. I gulped, trying no to react. Tsu stopped and slapped her hand over her mouth, looking like she was about to scream.
"Oh my god." Ginger giggled in a whisper. I shushed him and pulled my hand on Kirishima's head, subconsciously. That's what I felt him bite me.
"What the hell!" I yelled, pushing Kirishima away. His cheeks where flushed pink and he had a smirk on his face.
"Don't act like you don't want me to kiss you." I blushed more, his face getting closer to mine. I noticed his eyes, his pupils shaped like hearts. I looked over to Ginger, who's hands and eyes where glowing pink. He was using some sort of love quirk on Kirishima, and I didn't mind. "Don't act like you don't want me." He pushed his nose on mine and put his hand on the back of my head, my hands on his shoulders. I took in a deep breath and, using all my strength, shoved him away, covering my face with my arm. I took in a deep breath and looked up at Kiri, who was confused as to what just happened. He shrugged it off and went back to water-tag.
"I can help." Ginger offered. I scowled at him, causing him to swim away. My eyes darted to Kirishima, he was clinging onto the side and rubbing his tired eyes. "Kiri..." I whispered.

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